1} Thank you for the kind words regarding Samuel. Most days I do great — grateful and determined — and then there are days where my heart simply feels heavy. I know the days will pass, it’s just walking through it. Your comments reminded me of many truths, and were a balm for my weary heart. Thank you.
2} Samuel? He’s doing better this morning. He slept through the night {the first time ever — and he’s 18 months old}. Sleeping through the night means his Celiac is getting under control. He didn’t sleep well prior because he was so hungry, and that was due to the damage to his intestines causing malabsorption issues. Sleep = absorbing food = good. Actually that = great.
3} I’m working on my Celiac facts post. In it my hospital and er story will be interwoven. I’ll just say this — the nurses knew Samuel was really sick. The first ER doctor questioned me from the moment I walked in, was dismissive, and more. To this day, I am still deeply grateful for the nurses who dug in their heels and fought for Samuel. If I had simply listened and allowed them to discharge Samuel (which was the initial assessment which shifted after Samuel took a turn for the worse and the nurses arguing) he could have ended up in a coma within days. I know that God heard prayers that day. I know it.
4} I love this picture of Samuel looking out through the sliding door to our deck as big sister Hannah takes a picture. I love it because he looks well. And happy. And quite curious. 🙂
5} My family loves to watch Chopped on Food Network. Last night was Chopped All-Stars — and if you’re a fan — like us — you’ll agree it was the best one ever. And honestly, it was just what I needed. A break. A bit of laughter. {Do any of you watch?}
6}Brennan {who is seven}finished up a unit in science on animals. First, I’m amazed at the facts that I forget — especially since I teach my kids and well, we’ve done lots of units on animals. And second, I absolutely love this picture Brennan drew of an insect {can you guess which word I wrote? after I heard,”aw, mom there are too many words.} Too cute. It for sure will be going in the save box.
7} I’m itching for spring cleaning. And purging. {Okay that was totally random, but I thought of it when I typed the word save box.}
8} I looked back at a post I wrote last year {thoughts of spring} — about me taking a perennial garden walk in the morning and the joy in viewing my little crocus plants peeking up with their purple flowers — and I’m letting out a big sigh this morning. The only flowers I see are those yellow daffodils in the kitchen. Outside is covered in snow. Spring will really come. Someday.
Have a great Monday. And if you live in a place where it really looks like spring enjoy your Monday even more. For me. And take a garden walk and look at all those beautiful flowers.:)

I don’t spring clean :/ My cleaning/purging happens randomly.
It’s spring here…just really really rainy spring. 🙂
Thank you for perspective. I am feeling like I’m swimming a doggie paddle barely keeping my head above the water with these twins and my toddler. And yet, they are healthy. I’m so sorry your sweet boy is dealing with what he is dealing with…and you as his Mama. I can’t imagine. Prayed for you today. Hugs from Oregon.
Momma, I think we should take Friday off this week to SPRING CLEAN fully. And then we can bake something to celebrate our spring cleanness. That way, we don’t take a whole week off, but just dedicate an entire day to cleaning. Thankful for you, momma! Love you, even when I’m crabby sometimes. And that Chopped Allstars was the BEST! 🙂
Love you sooooooooooooo very much.
Beautiful photos of such a handsome little boy. 🙂
Thanks for visiting my blog. The picture is my grandaughter and her bestie since Pre-K. Love those girls.
Your little guy is so adorable. I’m glad you will be posting facts on Celiacs. I’ve had two people I know whose children have either been diagnosed or given that as a possible diagnosis. I will pass your blog along. What a blessing you stopped by mine so I could respond.
Finally, Spring Cleaning. Love it. Do it a room at a time but I tend to spread it out over the season. Then we give away, donate and garage sale. My husband loves garage sales and I hate them so I don’t participate unless it’s a fundraising garage sale.
Blessings to you
SO thankful that he is doing better! And goodness, I bet you all were surprised in the morning when he awoke from a full nights sleep, that is a blessing for sure! Take care!
Hannah is such a talented photographer–and her little subject is simply adorable! Glad he slept all night last night–for him–and for you!
I’m so glad Mr. Samuel is doing better and slept through the night. How wonderful too that the nurses fought for him…what a blessing. I am SO ready for Spring and the cleaning. I’m cleaning from now till the end of April and I’ve decided to tackle a different space each week…this week is the kitchen. I usually trash and donate because garage sales are too stressful.
I read your post yesterday but motherly duties called me away before I could comment. Regardless, I was praying for him. I’m thankful to hear he’s better. And the picture of Samuel is so precious. -beyond words!
I watched Chopped last night! It was the best! I was rooting for Jeffrey bc he was such a gentleman in the competition. But Aaron is great too!
Spring cleaning? I do a little here and there. I don’t have the time or babysitter (ha!) to do it all at once. I love purging. Usually we donate it, but i want to have a garage sale at some point. Happy cleaning to you!
Such great news that Samuel is doing better.
We had our “spring break” during the first week in March. Each day I cleaned one of the bedroom, top to bottom, including putting the bedding outside in the freezing temps.
We don’t have garage sales here, and there are no donation pick-up services, so since we moved here, we usually use something till it’s broken or give it away to a younger cousin or sell it at a flea market.
I’m really hoping to see some flowers soon, too, but it’ll probably be a very long time still . . .
Glad to hear that Samuel is doing much better. It’s so hard on us when our little ones are sick. We’re just helpless.
Spring cleaning has skipped over us. It went straight to hot here and we missed all the days of open windows to air the house out and what not.
We do watch Chopped. {didn’t catch last nights ep though} As a matter of fact we love almost any and all cooking shows!
I’m like another, I don’t really do “spring cleaning” but just do it randomly. I purge quite often and just take it to our local thrift store. They are thrilled to get it and I’m thrilled to give it to them. Works for both of us!
Samuel looks so good and is so precious looking out that window.
Wishing you and your sweet family a beautiful week!
I love Chopped All-Stars! It was so cool seeing the judges as contestants last night. 🙂
Oh my goodness….there are so many praying for your sweet boy! And for you, and your strength as well.
Mama’s bear so much for their families!
Hang in there.
PS Your Hannah sounds like she is pure delight!!
Love both pics of Samuel! Oh he’s such a sweetheart!
Still praying in Seattle!
Jeremiah 29:11-13 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Prayer Bears
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So thankful to hear Samuel is doing better today. We love Chopped but I am sad to say I didn’t watch and forgot to record it. Brennan’s picture is too cute! Spring Cleaning? I start in the spring but never finish until Summer. I am luck if I get the kids’ bedrooms tackled. And we always have a garage sale in the summer time.
I’ve been following your blog from before samuel was diagnosed.. you are an amazing mother, who writes beautifully.. Thank you for putting this into the world