Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living.
~Rachel Marie Martin

After inspiring and conversing with thousands of women,

Rachel has surmised there is always a reason

to hope and to move forward.

 And a reason to dare doing what you thought was impossible.

She encourages you to say yes to your dreams

and stop waiting

for "someday" or "one day" or "when something happens".

Rachel's books dive deep into the topics that matter most to moms. From embracing self-care and letting go of mom guilt to finding joy in the little moments and rediscovering your dreams.

Inspired by her incredible story, Rachel's words always come straight from the gut; they are visceral, real and soul searching. She challenges you to find the courage to break cycles, to take off masks and not let fear take control.

Her books are a balance of tough, "no excuses" ways of approaching life, while allowing breathing room and grace for yourself, for as we all know, life and mothering are not perfect.

Finding Joy Blog

May You Live a Life Finding Joy

That’s my grandma and grandpa. My grandmother died in 1998, exactly one

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