Stepping back, reflecting on the year, and simply listing thanks today. ~rachel

Simple memories woven together to create a beautiful tapestry of life.
Moments with my family. Summer days. Times spent at the lake. Laughing. Joy. Fishing late at night as the sun sets over the Minnesota horizon. Sitting at the beach reading and taking naps. Swimming out to the raft with my girls. Going on the boat with my boys. Living alive.
Coffee runs early in the morning. Two for one deals at Starbucks. Sitting in Starbucks in the morning. Time to write.
Gluten free baked goods. Samuel’s health. Opportunities to bring Celiac Disease Awareness. Udi’s Bread. The Udi’s Gluten Free Community (join me there).A little boy who never ever complains about not eating gluten. A little boy who teaches me about joy and what it is to see the world embracing all one can have and not to dwell on things one cannot.
Cars that run. Safety on the road. Gas to buy. Resources to purchase it.
A home that is warm. An abundance of blankets. Couches to sit on. Books to read.Worn piano books marked with notes. A piano to play. Music to listen to. And time to dream.
School books crowding my shelves. Spelling words scratched on paper. Pens. Pencils. Markers. And Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Books to read aloud. Math answer keys.
New boots. Sweaters. Mittens in the winter. Shovels for the driveway. Boots, snowpants, and all of that winter stuff that piles by the door. Ice melt for my sidewalk. The beauty of snow falling. Snowball fights with my boys and letting them win.
Health. A shoulder that is strong again. Doctors who care. Physical therapy. Being able to do things that a year ago I thought I could never do.
Friends that care. Friends that email. Friends that fight for me. Friends. Being able to travel. Opportunities to speak and share my heart. Moments spent together. Seeing the world from the sky.
The ability to bless others. To give and not expect in return. Freedom.
Pomegranates that my kids love. Raspberries for me. Trips to Costco. Abundance in produce. That bringing home groceries brings great joy for my kids.
Simple memories. The sun dancing on the table. Kids running through the sprinklers. Tomatoes growing in my garden. Time tending my perennials. Morning frost. Stars at night. Brisk walks as the sun wakes. Laughter at dinner. The smell of fall. Afternoons sitting in the sun.
Today I give thanks.
For all the good that I do not deserve.
For the year that has gone by.
For opportunities.
For simple little things.
For the moments of joy.
Thankful for today.
Step back. Be grateful.
What are you thankful for today?
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Images and original content are sole property of Rachel Martin and may not be used, copied or transmitted without prior written consent.
You have so many wonderful things to be thankful for…I love what you write but I don’t ever or seldom see you writing about your husband, pictures of him or how thankful you are for him…
Here’s my take on today, this Thanksgiving 2012.
I love your blog, and am thankful for all it has brought to my life.
I love your thankful list, Mrs. Martin. It’s so good to “step back” and “be grateful”, as you said. 🙂 I hope you had a most wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
Blessings! Oh, and I wrote a thankful post if you want to read it.