For the last 24 hours I’ve sat in my room, my home, my normal everyday home, my home with crumbs on the floor, and bubbles on the shelf, and a load of laundry to be folded, and littles running around, and I’ve sat here in awe. Humbled over the response to a sweet little, and very sincere, and very true letter called Dear Moms with Littles written yesterday on my blog.
Your response, besides humbling me greatly, has shown me how many of us moms work hard and feel exhausted and sometimes pointless by the end of our very giving of self day. And, it’s shown me how we grow stronger when we network, when we encourage, when we rip off the masks of perfection and shout that we are not alone in this journey of motherhood.
Because, truth it, being a mom can be lonely. It can feel as if the time ticks slowly, the stuff we do never gets done, and that again, that sometimes we just don’t matter.
We are changing the world, moms.
That diaper change? Matters. Those stories read over and over and over again? Matters. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich made for lunch for the 4th time this week? Matters. The hours driving in the car to and fro? Matters. The sleepless nights? Matters. The prayers? Matters.
We matter moms.
And that’s what the response to that little letter tells me — it tells me that we live in a world where the measuring bar is set too high — and that all too often what is really important slips away unnoticed in the shadows. So again, to you, the mom right now who has had 3 hours 28 minutes and 14 seconds of sleep, who is wiping that runny nose again, who is scraping to find a meal, and is washing marker off the wall, and is rerunning the load on the washing machine because you forgot to switch it to the dryer, who hasn’t read a chapter in a book in months, who is wearing yoga pants and your hair in a pony tail, you matter. Right now. In the trenches, the deep part of motherhood.
So when you see a friend of yours, your mom, a sister, tell them thank you. It doesn’t need to be big fanfare, but just a thank you. Two words.
Thank you.
Thank you moms out there.
Thank you.
Today. I am humbled.
And very very grateful.
Missed the post? Click dear moms with littles. And thank you again for sharing.
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Great post…yet again. The mask of perfection is what I think makes us all(or at least myself)think that everyone else but me has it together in this mom thing!! Now, off to put the clothes in the drier that just got done rerunning since I forgot to put them in there yesterday. You hit that one on the head there and made me smile. 🙂
Thank YOU.
i truly feel so blessed to have stumbled upon your blog months ago. seriously. when i sign into blogger and see a new post from you, i squeal with excitement. it is soo encouraging to see a community of such devoted and selfless mothers, joining in discussion through comments – on your blog.
ps – as i just read this post, i smiled, as i always do. and then laughed when i got to the part about being in yoga pants with your hair tied back in a ponytail … as that is definitely me, right now.
you are SUCH an inspiration, to many of us. thank you for that 🙂
Networking with other moms through blogging has honestly changed my life. I am more positive, feel a thousand times more supported, and always know I’m not alone and that at any given moment, other women like me are going through the same things. It seems strange to be part of a community of people I’ve never met in person, and to consider these people true friends, but that’s how it is. We help each other so much! And I know I can always find encouragement in your posts. YOU are a blessing and a comfort!
You did it, you made me cry again! lol Once again…Thank you, and may I say…what you write…matters. You are most appreciated! Thank you so much for reminding me that it all counts. Have a very blessed day! 🙂
Love this, loved yesterday’s. Seriously good encouragement. I passed it along to many of my fellow Moms-With-Littles. Thank you!!!!
Encouraging post, Rachel. I agree the measuring bar is set far too high! Mothering is never enough anymore. We are driven to be everything and do all. But mothering is important–next to being reflections of God’s glory, it is the most important task we are called to. You have a beautiful family. Blessings to you!
nice post thanks for sharing…looking for to visit more…blessings
What happened to me when I read what you wrote yesterday…it made me wish that I could go through it all over again! Yes, I’m getting a taste of it again with my grand kids…but the day that I really realized that I was too old to have any more kids…oh it broke my heart!
Praying right now!
Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
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