Every morning, no matter what, I tell my kids, “Have a good day. I love you.”
My little kids normally respond, sometimes wave as they leave my van and walk into school. My older kids normally don’t say anything, maybe a goodbye, sometimes an “I love you” back, but most of the time they walk out the door, down to the bus.
I still say it to them.
Day after day after day.
Because they hear it.
They might not say anything.
They might not ever say anything.
But every single day when I show up, when I tell them “I love you” is another day where I add to their “tip jar” of love.
So much of life is taking out.
So much of it is “why are you late with your homework?” and “stop fighting with your brother” and “for crying out loud don’t leave your clothes on the bathroom floor.” And then there’s the peer pressures – the keeping ups, the measuring ups, the trying to fit in. Then there’s the hormones. There is so much taking out of that jar.
That’s why I say “I love you” everyday expecting NOTHING in return.
Yes, nothing.
Not, “hey hey, why don’t you say ‘I love you’ back?” or getting frustrated.
Because they NEED me to be the love in their life. They need me to show up and be there and to love them when they are at their worst.That’s the gift we have to give.
Don’t let a day go by where you miss “I love you.”
Fill their jar, fill their hearts.
That’s what this world REALLY needs.
ps…I have older kids now and there are many days when I simply text them those simple words, “I love you.” Sometimes just knowing someone thinks of you can truly change a day.
You can read the original post here on Facebook.

I do say I Love You to my adult children when I see them or call them on the phone. 2 out of my 3 will tell me I love you back, but 1 hardly ever will. I hope she never has to feel that hurt from her children when they don’t tell her back💔
I even say it to my dear friends because the day may come that you can tell them this again . I just lost another Dear friend and will never get to tell her that again !