Yesterday, Hannah and I spent the majority of the day editing, resizing, and burning dvds for the North Ballet Spring Performance. For hours and hours we sat side by side at our kitchen table — dual laptops — trying to pass time as the pictures processed. One of the interesting {and unexpected} benefits was spending a bit of time looking at the statistics on blogger.
Here’s what I learned.
1} Blogger actually has stats. I had no idea about this until a couple months ago.Don’t laugh. I just write. While I’m not a huge stat checker {I mean is it important to look at what browser people use? Chrome or firefox or internet explorer? — and in case you need to know it was firefox that won} I did enjoy seeing what post received the most pageviews over the last year.
2} The Celiac Disease Journey is by far the most read post {besides the my story page which I never wrote until a couple months ago after more than 800 people tried to read it and all they saw was coming soon. oops.} I’ve ever written. And this I love. I receive emails from all over the world {including just recently from Australia} from parents whose children are ill and they don’t know what is wrong, from parents whose children have Celiac Disease, and from those with advice and support. Again, to God be the glory. Samuel’s story is bringing awareness and while I never what it would be part of my story, I am thankful to be a voice for Celiac Disease. It’s too important. And it’s always on my heart.
3} Does Syrup Have Sugar in It?? is my sixth highest read post. Apparently there are a great deal of google searches looking for images and quotes from the movie Elf. And all that searching has led people here. And now, probably because I wrote that quote and mentioned Elf this post will start to receive a high number of google search hits as well. Hee hee hee — the magic of Elf.
4} The number two post? The Very Beautiful Legacy Giveaway. That closed. Back in April. I love that it still gets hits as Amy, one of the founders, is a dear friend of mine. Maybe I should host another giveaway. It appears quite popular. And, let me tell you, the bracelets are exquisite. Love legacy.
5} My own daughter, Hannah, sends the most traffic. Then Networked Blogs. And followed by my sweet blogging friend, Carissa {who hosts this meme} at number three. Thanks, sweet friend, for making my random thoughts have a purpose on Mondays.
6} Not directly related to google stats, but similar — I don’t know if you noticed if I finally {and I mean finally} decided to create a facebook page for finding joy. It took me so so so so so long. It’s been a blessing and it’s fun and easy for me to interact with you all. So, that being said there’s my new link. I’m feel so technologically savvy right now. Not. It takes me way too long to figure most of those facebook apps out. So for now, enjoy the box. And click like.
7} 360. That’s how many posts I’ve written since last March when I finally returned to blogging. Some serious, some silly {remember the one that I posted with my hair straight up on the boat at the lake?}, some prayer requests, and some just about life. I love blogging. I love the community. And I love that it helps me think straighter.
8} Caringbridge. That’s how the whole blogging adventure began….over five years ago…from a little journal I kept to keep friends and family up-to-date on my husband’s cancer treatments. Who would have known how it’s become part of my daily life? How about you? Why and when did you start blogging?
9} I have NOT seen my ad. {I know totally unrelated to the “stat” theme} This is the last week of my Gatorade $100 giftcard giveaway and I have NOT seen my ad on a blogher sidebar. I tried to figure out the statistics of me actually seeing that Gatorade and Finding Joy promo and it’s almost impossible. So….enter now.…because I want one you to win…and if you happen to see my face somewhere out there in blog land screen cap it and send it my way. I can guarantee it will make my {friday} favorites. 🙂
Couldn’t make it to ten miscellany facts. Oh well. My brain is tired from all the photography wrap-up. Thanks for laughing along with my silly stats. Now, pop on over to my dear friend, Carissa’s blog and examine the beautiful new header that my Hannah girl designed {her site hannahnicoledesigns}. Love her work. Thanks again for the sweet comments and prayers and friendship. Have a great and blessed and wonderful Monday. ~Rachel

Wow, you did well to have 9 points! Usually for my MM I do well to have 5.
So glad that your blog has had a great readership (I enjoy it) and has touched other people affected by celiac disease! I’m not sure how it was I started following you (maybe the Misc Mon meme) but I’m glad I did!
Hi-Am visiting via Misc. Monday blog hop
and am your Newest Follower!
Nice to “meet” you!
My neighbor’s adult daughter has celiac disease – I know they’ve switched to everything gluten-free.
My brother-in-law passed and caring bridge was a beautiful help in keeping everyone aware and connected during his treatment.
Wishing you all the best and many prayers and blessings to you and yours—
Being relatively ‘new’ around here, I had no idea how your blog began. I just know I’m glad it did. 🙂 You brighten every day. 🙂
And stats are kinda fun! 😉
It is fun to see where all the folks come from and how they arrive and where they leave to! 🙂
I discovered the stats just a few months ago as well. I rarely look because I do it more for fun, but it is interesting to see where people find you. I started my blog after I saw a friend of mine’s blog. I had never heard of a blog before that. Then I got hooked on reading other blogs and haven’t turned back. I love it. Love your list too. I’ll have to check you out on FB.
about blogging – this is EXACTLY how it makes me feel too: “And I love that it helps me think straighter.” =perfect.
wonderful facty list 🙂 i rarely look at my stats but when i do i am always a lil shocked!
happy mm to you <3
I love checking my stats and finding out all that odd information. I’m not really sure why we need to know the browser either! It also seems image searches generate quite a bit of traffic for me. I’m not the only one looking for a placemat template!
Anyway, love the site and look forward to getting to know you more about my fellow crewmates! Glad you made good use of the time you waited for all those images to finish! Now I shall go learn more about Celiac disease and syrup having sugar.
This is a fun post. And I’m completely honored that people visit you all the time from mm. -as they should! : ) everyone should know about you!!! And yes- legacy bracelets are so stunning; it was my favorite giveaway ever. My grandma wears hers everyday and says it makes the miles between us less far. Awww! I think it’s awesome that God has given you a voice for Celiac awareness. What an in expected blessing! I’m thrilled your Woodland getaway is just days away!!!! You need a vacay… Get ready for some r and r! Love ya!!!
*unexpected blessing
Oopps. Thank you auto incorrect. ; )
I didn’t know blogger had stats! I am off and hunting!
It always amuses me that my most read post is about running. And I am the furthest thing from a runner anyone will ever be.
Oh well!
I like looking at Google to see what words people use to find my blog. It’s fun entertainment. But Analytics also frustrates me sometimes b/c I get into comparison mode. It’s a love/hate relationship!
love those! OK so I know we are new bloggy friends but I just love your blog! SO i just awarded you over on mine! dont feel like you have to do it but just wanted to know you are loved!
So did Rachel email you from Australia? And yup…I use Firefox…most of the time but head over to Chrome now and then when FF makes me mad (but it’s usually my laptop’s fault).
Know that I’m praying so at this end!
Revelation 7:16-17 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Prayer Bears
My email address
i hope we get to see some of the edited
ballet video. how much fun to do this
with your daughter.
unfortunately, i didn’t start blogging
until mine were 18, 20, 22, 24, and 26.
they have been a little sceptical but
sweetly supportive . . . sort of like “
“poor mom, look how she’s trying to
figure out her life without us.” 🙂
I love that you just recently discovered stats 🙂 Although, it’s true that Blogger itself hasn’t had them that long. You used to have to install tracking to see them! (and the Blogger stats aren’t quite as accurate/detailed anyway, but they do the job!)
I love these posts and it always makes me think “oh, finish that draft” and then I never do, ha! 🙂
I never thought of creating a FB page for A Journey of Faith. Hmmm … I’ll just have to think about that.
I just got an iPhone 4.
I was thinking about Twitter today.
So … I just may have to think about FB, too.
My Big Kids went about CRAZY when they found out that “old” Papa and Mama bought iPhones. Too funny! Our 27 year old son told Papa that our 9 year old son could teach him how to use it (since 9 y.o. loves to play with 27 y.o. iPhone). They would seriously think I’ve gone overboard if I start a FB.
🙂 🙂 🙂