A simple story celebrating the little things in life. Truly a favorite moment within a week of dominoes falling, and moments of exasperation, and the lack lack lack of sun. I’m so glad it’s March. Really.
An example of love, finding joy, and celebrating the moments.

On Saturday and Sunday I spent time in the afternoon with my boys building a snowfort and almost six foot tall snowman. (Take time to do these kind of things – read don’t miss motherhood) The snow was perfect – super sticky and perfect for sculpting. My daughter Grace has nicknamed that kind of snow glue snow and now all the kids come in excited anytime the glue snow makes it appearance in the yard. I’ve learned to grab those moments as I know that those perfect snow sculpting days, while they might seem like there are many, are actually few and far in between.
We lifted and shoved and packed snow together. A little thing, but a big thing. Those are the moments and memories that my boys love – hours of time spent in the backyard together – working together and creating forts and snowmen and tracks in the wintry yard. Tiny crops of freckles started to appear on our faces as we worked side by side in the snow.
Moments matter. Little things matter.
Later that day after the drippy wet snowpants and gloves were put in the dryer Elijah wandered to the top of the stairs and stood there calling my name. Of course, my immediate response was that there was an issue, or that he needed another snack, or that he was asking to play the ipod. So I was quite humbled and surprised when I simply heard –
Mom. Mom – I love you.
I looked at his sweet face, the face with teeny tiny freckles now dotting his nose and I smiled. Thank you Elijah, I love you too. What do you love about me? As soon as the words left my mouth I saw his little face get a look of wonder on it. I just stood there watching him, waiting for him to respond, and looking at his eyes move around as he tried to think of what he loved. With a shrug of those five year old shoulders he replied –
I just do, mom.
Ah, melt my heart. The gift of being loved by our children with an I just do kind of love. That’s the beauty of motherhood. We have the ability to not only give that kind of love but also receive it from our children. It can be easy to get lost in the sea of choices and expectations and never measure up moments that we forget to not only give but also receive that I just do kind of love.
I love my kids unconditionally, I really do. And yet sometimes I’ll find my self spending so much time fixing all the things that I think need to be fixed and reminding them to do all that I think they’ve forgot or looking at where I want them to measure up that I’ll lose sight of that I just do kind of love. I just do love them, no matter what, and often they need to hear those simple, yet life impacting, words.
I just do love you too, Elijah.
I told him the sweet words back. Words that are so true. It didn’t matter that the toys in his room were dumped out or that he got super irritated that he couldn’t play the Nintendo DS again or that he didn’t want a bite of his lunch – what mattered in that moment was that I remembered that I just do kind of love.
He looked at me and with the matter a factness that a five year old can give he said
I know, mom. Thanks.
Take a minute today and find those you love and bless them with the words of an I just do kind of love. We all need to hear it, to be reminded of it, and to blessed with it. It helps them grow, gives confidence, and is a gift. It may seem like such a little thing, but that little thing is a life changing thing. Celebrate that today. Celebrate the moments together – the sitting side by side reading, the sweet voices singing in the living room, and the not so perfect and yet incredibly beautiful journey of motherhood.
I just do.
Bless them.
Celebrate the little things. Love life. Live Intentional.
Find Joy.
What can you do today to celebrate the little, and yet beautiful things in your life?
Friday is my day of gratitude and thanks. To join Friday Favorite Things simply share your favorites in the comments, on the facebook page, or via a blog post. For those that blog, grab the button, write your own and link below. This is week 104 of intentional finding joy gratitude.

Thank you for this beautiful post! I just do, too!
Next time my hubby asks me why I love him, I am totally going to answer “I just do!” 🙂
Your snowman looks great!
Rebecca and Veronica – isn’t the idea of I just do absolutely true? I love it – it was so obvious when Elijah told it me, and yet was so easily forgotten.
And, Veronica, thanks about the snowman compliment. 🙂
Just the reminder I needed this morning after night 3 of a very restless teething toddler thank you. I’ve just started following your blog and I love it.
Such a beautiful post with a great message. Thanks for the reminder that moments matter! xoxo
Blessings to you, Kim, as you tend to a day with little sleep. Hoping for moments of joy in the midst!
Thanks, Stephanie. I completely agree! The little things are truly the beautiful moments.
These photos are just stunning! What a lovely moment you captured 🙂
what a beautiful reminder! thank you! 🙂
Hi! I’m new to your blog but am excited to have found it. After only poking around for a few minutes, it seems that our two blogs have a similar focus. However, your have seven kids, and I only have three! (Counting the one I’m about to give birth to. 🙂 I look forward to reading more! Best, Erica