2 – times I went to Target. In one day – once to the pharmacy and once to buy more Emergen-C {which I recommend}. And it’s also the number of cups of coffee that I consumed.
3 – little boys are sleeping while I type this.
4 – is the number of trips made to the ballet studio. Today alone.
5 – minutes is the maximum amount of silence that I heard all day. And that was on a return drive from ballet.
6 – is the number of times I swept our kitchen floor.
7 – loads of laundry wait to be folded downstairs. Yes, seven.
8 – is the number of hours that our homemade beef stew simmered in my crock pot. {I love my slow cooker.}
9 – is the number of bowls dished up of hearty beef stew
10 – is the age of this daughter – Gracie – that I dropped off/picked up during two of those ballet runs.
11 – is probably the number of times I counted to ten
12 – steps were vacuumed with my wonderful Oreck vacuum {i simply cannot stop sharing about that thing!}
13 – hours from when I wrote this I’ll be sitting in an office with my shoulder surgeon
14 – school books were left piled on the table before dinner
15 – minutes is how long Brennan played outside on the swing
16 – Keruig Iced Coffees came in a box on sale for $5.98 at Target. I bought two boxes. And we brew them hot — shhhhhh — it’s our little secret.
17 – I have nothing for this number.
18 – hours a day I am awake. That is why I need at least two cups of coffee per day. And that is why purchasing those Keurig coffees at Target during my first run to Target in a day was a great deal for this family.
19 – Kids and Counting is a television show that I’ll watch while folding laundry. I like watching that while folding laundry because then it makes my seven loads {that I’m behind with} seem like nothing.
20 – items are on my to-do list for today. And that’s okay. I’m blessed to be busy. And I never get tired of this view on the way to ballet.
and by the way….
40 – bags of paper lawn and leaf bags were purchased by me at Target. For $2.48. 90% off. That’s me – extreme bargain queen. Watch for me on TLC. grin.
tell me some of your day. by the numbers. 🙂
5- the number of times I’ve taken our Potty Princess to the potty since 6:30am (it’s 8:02 am now)
I’m not complaining one bit…it’s taken us forever to get here! So Yay!
Your stew sounds delish! I have the same exact Crock Pot and love it too. My favorite thing to make in it is pot roast.
I hope your shoulder surgeon appointment went well.
That is a major lawn bag deal!!!! I’m behind on laundry too…it’s neverending. I love my crock pot too…I should try to use it more often. Hope things go well with the surgeon…keep us posted.
What a crazy day – and I’ll bet you loved most of it 🙂 My slow cooker will be working tomorrow!
1 sick husband
2 cups of coffee I never finished
3 small boys making a mess during lunch
4 cups of coffee is what I wanted
5 is the time of my sister’s volleyball game
6 is when two boys go to bed
I was actually just wondering if you could maybe post some of your recipes. I would love that chicken one you mentioned the other day…. and there was another one you discussed not too long ago. Please, please share!
Shannon in PA
Ah, I can relate to so much 🙂
Except for the sweeping the kitchen 6 times, don’t know if I’ve ever done that… And I’m a 2-3 loads of laundry a day kind of gal, lest I get overwhelmed…
Praying all goes well with your shoulder appointment!
super cute post– love the creativity! i don’t have numbers for you (except that i am the big 3-0 today!!!), but how about this? today, i traveled by car, train, subway, bus, and plane…in that order, all in one day! a very adventurous day!
a mom of seven at least needs seven hours of sleep… one hour for each kid. too bad hours don’t grow on trees!
i like this… because it gives me a little glimpse into your busy life. and now i know why you certainly are in love with coffee. ; )
whoa! now that is a bargain!!! go you!
i love how samuel is looking at your legacy bracelet. hunter and sage stare at my mom’s all the time. soon they’ll gawk at mine too.
i’m wondering how your shoulder appt went?
2…tired to even think of anything to write!
Continuing to lift up prayers!
Psalms 31:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Such a cute post! 17 is my husband’s favorite number.
How creative and fun!! Great post! 🙂
I loved this creative post. I’m going to try a few here:
1 – messy kitchen
2 – tired eyeballs
3 – I have no clue!
4 – sleeping children
5 – hours of sleep
WOW, I really need to go get some coffee and make these numbers a little more exciting!
I have that exact same Crock-Pot (and I love it too). 🙂