I am a person, who by nature, likes to work. I’ll find tasks to keep me busy — sorting, re-organizing, cleaning, yard-work, and more — just so that I can be busy. Sometimes, especially when I’m home, it’s hard for me to sit still and not work.
I just see things that need, or potentially need, to get done.
So I stuff myself with busy projects and feel guilty for not working.
But, I’m starting to realize that working constantly produces well, more work. As we all know, the work is never ever done. There will always be one more drawer to clean out, or clothes to fold, or cabinet to clean. There is value in sitting still, in being creative, and in <gasp> not working for a moment.
I see the need for my children to have this free time. Again, it’s too easy for me to assign just one more math page, or read another chapter book, or let’s do one more science when they’ve finished their list. After all, my mind reasons, it’s only 1pm and we’ve got more time. But, no. I stop {well, most of the time — there are exceptions}. They had a list of things to accomplish and they finished the list. I absolutely must teach them to understand that the list completed is exactly that — completed. If I keep adding on work as extra then pretty soon the list is meaningless.
So, my friends, a completed list is a completed list. And, often in our house, they learn more once the list is completed. They are free to explore, to create, to make messes {which keep me busy with work}, to help out, to listen in on other lessons, but they are free because they did their work well.
I want them to understand the importance of rest.
While I bless them with this freedom I’ve also been learning how to embrace it myself. It’s about goals and achieving of goals. It’s about learning to be okay with putting your feet up for a bit. Life feels like a race at times. But, you see, in order to finish it there needs to be times to recharge.
I’m learning to rest. To say no to all the obligations. To watch my children. And to say yes when they ask me to play that game with them.
The work will always be there. Always. The time won’t.
Work hard, but make sure to rest. It’s okay. In fact, it’s good.
Thank you for this lovely post! You’ve voiced some thoughts that I have had myself lately. It’s nice when that happens! 🙂
Once again, you have spoken directly on something my heart needed to hear today. *hugs* Thank you.
Very good. I’m guilty of this myself. And then I always feel frazzled because the list never ends. Ever! So I really love this post. It brought a lot to my attention. I think this will help my sanity. Thank you for that, my dear! Love ya!
Thank you for the great insight on letting go of being busy. Have a good day.
I wish more people would learn this lesson! Even The Lord Rested on the Seventh Day after 6 days of creating!
We all need rest…and times to be still…and to know that He is God!
You remind me so much of me! When I was a young Mom, I couldn’t say no. It was a problem from time to time. I found that people assumed since I was a stay at home Mom, that I had nothing to do but accept all tasks. I was always the team mom, room mom, etc. I took in lots of kids after school for other MOms when they were busy, and I often said yes, even when I wanted to say no. As a 51 year old Grandma now, I am still very much on the go. Never sitting still for long! I am just a high energy gal, although I do take time to smell the roses these days!
I totally agree! Some days I am all about getting that list checked off, but more and more I’m trying to let the girls just play and explore and grow 🙂
So true…I do the exact same thing! My oldest actually says to me that I look like I need to rest. Guess I should take his advise huh!
great post! saying no to busyness is a good thing and saying yes to our kids is time well-invested!
Love this! I always try to remind myself that our God is the Lord of the Rest and He created the sabbath (rest) for us. But man, it’s hard. When I do set time aside to breath and relax it is so refreshing! Blessings for such a beautiful post.
Life can be overwhelming at times, but the victory is ours through Christ! Put your trust in Him! Praying!
1 Corinthians 15:54-57 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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