1} Our home has truly been taken down by a virus. Even Hannah’s computer has been affected. Which is a major bummer as that is where ALL of the new pictures are stored. That’s where photoshop is located. The nasty computer virus? Attached itself to an apple app. Thankfully we have an awesome friend who is working on fixing that essential laptop.
2} Until that laptop is fixed I will be using archived photos. This should be fun. You might get to see the kids when they were younger. Or see photos of craziness that I never posted. Or words that I like. Or pictures that are my fave. Like this- markers with almost all the lids on.

3} Now I can state that 8 out 9 of our family has been taken down by whatever cold virus {or bacteria — I don’t really care as I want it gone} that has invaded our home. The last one standing? Caleb. Caleb the Brave pictured below. Thankfully, Chloe, Todd, Hannah, Brennan, and I have returned to almost normal. That leaves Samuel — who’s still trying to beat this stubborn and pesky pneumonia — and Gracie and Elijah. Those two just got fevers yesterday.
4} Is it summer yet? Because, honestly, I’m tired of this fall {and all the colds} already.
5} I love my toddlers and the funny things they say. Make sure to try and write them down, because if you’re like me they’ll stay in your brain for about 34 seconds. Then you’ll be saying, “now what was that funny thing that so and so said?” I know. I do it. Or as I’ve told you before, at least facebook them. Remember this one from Brennan?
6} Here’s one that I do remember from Elijah. He was watching his brothers play a game on the Wii — I think it was Lego Star Wars — and when the bad guys come he’ll announce in a loud voice, aren’t those guys just plain mean? Ha ha ha. Love it. And I love it that he gets a kick out of himself. He’ll laugh at his own jokes….makes them even funnier.
7}And of course, how could I not mention that tomorrow is the last day to enter for that Oreck Vacuum. Want to help me out and spread the word? Like on facebook? Or twitter? Or whatever? I’d be grateful — I really want to thank Oreck for their generosity.

8} I have nothing to write about bears. I just thought I’d add it to the title as it seemed to fit and that yesterday I told you I was mildly sarcastic.
9} However, I did see a bear when I went to Alaska eleven years ago. Sigh. I cannot believe it’s been eleven years. Now, I’m going to tell you that if you ever get the opportunity to take that long flight up to that state it is well worth it and amazing. Beautiful country. Loved it. And want to go back.
10} So now I’m left on Monday. I was hoping this would be our “relaunch” for our first day of school. But, probably not, with Gracie and Elijah ill and me needing to take Samuel in so that they can listen to those lungs of his. That’s okay. Life isn’t about things going perfectly, but rather is about embracing the moment and seeking the joy in this new and gift of a day.
And that’s just what I’ll do.

Oh, just ick! I hope everyone is finally on the mend and getting this virus out of the way. You’re tired of fall already? What’s the weather been like there? It’s still pretty hot here, in the 90’s so I’m still waiting on fall. Bring it on!
oh my goodness the colds are insane right now! I visited a friend for two days and on the drive home my daughter was already sneezing with a cold she got from their kids. Now she has a horrible cough that breaks my heart. Ug. Hope yours all get better soon and hopefully if they are getting sick this soon they will get a long stretch of feeling good!!
I hope the computer and kiddos get fixed quick! I love Alaska. We did a service trip with 15 high schoolers a few years ago. Amazing…
what a bummer about rhe computer–and the colds–and all of it practically! ; ( That happened to my computer several weeks ago and there was an on-line place that fixed everything on my computer while my computer and me enjoyed the comfort of home and they did it in only an hour. it was a hundred dollars and came with a warranty–it was totally worth it. Email me if you want their contact info (if your friend cant figure it out)…which hopefully he can because I imagine with a friend doing it, it’s free!!
Love the funny sayings–Gavin says them all the time but I cant think of one right now, I need to be better at writing them down!
I hope Samuel’s lungs sound better today…and hope that the pesky virus is on its way out.
I love the markers…all of that color. I hope that yucky sickness is gone forever and that the computer sickness gets fixed very soon. You guys will start fresh soon 🙂
I hope all the viruses and bugs leave y’all and the computer soon!! Neither of those are fun. Boo!
I try to write things down that the kids say but I usually forget. Yes, thankful for FB because that is where a lot of the memories end up like that. 🙂
Goodness gracious! I guess it takes germs a while to go away when you’re a family of nine. I’m sooo sorry! Get this… We’re sick now too AND my computer went kaput last night! Your germs must be strong! ; ) You’ve been sick long enough now… I hope this is the very last of it for your fam.
I LOVE that tic tac toe remark. I remember first reading it on fb and laughing a ton. Today Hunter drew on the carpet with crayons and blamed it on Tinker Bell! He has been on a Peter Pan kick. Ha!!!
I can’t wait to see who the vacuum winner is! This is such a fabulous giveaway.
One day we WILL go to Alaska. I know my outdoor loving self would just go crazy in love there. I’m so glad you were able to go… Especially since you got the skymiles that later brought you here!!! And yes, it’s ok to miss someone after two mos. : ) I miss you!!!!! Still can’t believe it happened!
Love ya!
we’re sick too, all but one.
alaska! a friend of mine road tripped up there 2 yrs in a row now. the photos were gorgeous and it is now on my list of places to go…
That is a lot to happen all at once! glad that some of you are on the mend. glad that your laptop should be fixed soon….praying for a quick end to the ickies!!
It seems too early for colds! We’ve already had one here too, though. I guess that time of the year is right around the corner…
That’s why I always backup backups of my backups.
Still continuing to lift up prayers.
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Uh oh. HOpe you are all better soon!
Totally loving the shout-out for Alaska! 🙂
Totally hating that you are overrun by viruses. Love large families, but sure hate it when a bug hits. 😉
Oh, and by the way, I once punched a black bear square in the nose. The rest of the story is boring, but punching a bear has made me famous in a small corner of Alaska. 😛
Seriously, is it summer yet??
I am with you!