much thanks to my friend amy for encouraging me to write this post.
{A little background}
It was Monday, and I was at urgent care with Brennan. He had been up most of the night wheezing and coughing – and honestly, I was worried that he had pneumonia. We came in, they did a pulse ox, saw that he had lower oxygen, and ordered an xray {and just for reference Brennan is fine}.
Enter the doctor {at a busy urgent care}. He looks over Brennan announces that he has a cold and proceeds to send me on my way. I politely ask about the low oxygen – he didn’t know – he had walked in without being told that we’d already had an xray – in the busy atmosphere the message was lost. Then once he regrouped he started asking questions about when and how long Brennan was sick. I explained to him that I was away for the weekend in Washington DC and that my husband told me that our family developed bad colds during that time. He excused himself to gather more details and returned and then out of genuine curiosity asked –
What do you do, mom? Why were you in DC?
I told him that I was speaking in Washington DC at a conference for Christian Homeschool Bloggers and that I speak and write on intentional parenting and finding joy in life.
His demeanor changed just a bit. Softened, in a way.
What if I had said, Oh, I’m just a mom? Because I’ve said that before.
And because really, honestly, I’m just a mom.
Actually, no, I’m a mom.
There should never be just in front of mom.
We as mothers should never feel the need to qualify that we are just a mom. Never.
We as mothers should never feel that being a mom makes us less.
We as mothers are never just a mom.
We are mothers.
We are raising the next generation. We are cooking cleaning teaching reading listening tending tired never giving up fighting working vacuuming cuddling praying rocking crying laughing managing mowing folding washing drying bandaging driving hoping living our lives moms.
There is no just.
Being a mother is an incredible and powerful role that has been diminished in society. We’ve learned to add that little four letter word just before our description. Now, it doesn’t matter whether you’re working, stay at home, part time working or more – a mother is a mother is a mother is a mother.
We are the ones that our littles want at 2am.
We are the ones who stay up late praying.
We are the ones who drive and then sit in the movie theater parking lot.
We are the ones who budget and rearrange and give up our own stuff for them.
We are never ever just a mom.
Isn’t mom enough? I need to answer, you need to answer, with pride that we are mothers. There is never any reason to mumble it, look away, to think less – instead we need to remember that we are raising the next generation. Did you hear that? The next generation. Do not ever take that lightly!
Mom is enough. Mom is more than enough.
There is never just a mom.
There is mom.
Carry your mom head proudly and remember –
You are raising the next generation.
And that? That is amazing, to be respected, to be acknowledged, and to be thanked.
Thank you, moms, thank you.
You are way more than just a mom.

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and please note, this post was about my perception about how quickly I answer just a mom and has nothing to do with the doctor mentioned or his abilities as I am grateful for him and our medical professionals. thank you.
Yes! Thank you for beautiful truth and a needed reminder.
This is just awesome! I have shared it on my facebook page, on a few groups I’m part of, and I added it to my blog where I list “Encouragement from Others.”
Fantastic post! Thank you for reminding us ! :0)
Loooooooooove this!
You just made my day. Sometimes we need to hear this. This is so beautiful and powerful. I often feel the need to qualify… but now I will hold my head up higher and be proud of what I am… a MOM. Thank you. 🙂
great reminder to all moms out there!
I think as women we have a tendency to minimize our roles, no matter what they are. When I was a stay-at-home mom I often said I was “just a mom.” Now, as a 5th and 6th grade teacher I’ve found myself saying I’m “just a teacher.” You are right, we are raising the next generation- the most important job in the world! I wonder if I would say I was “just a rocket scientist” if that were the case. I really do think we don’t give ourselves enough credit. I’m glad to hear your son was okay by the way.
Amazingly well put. I am going to link to this in my Mother’s Day post. It’s about letting ourselves be pampered and celebrated and how important that is for our families. Thanks for your inspiration friend!
Oh to make that word “just” disappear! What a great reminder. Thanks, Rachel. I am a full time mom. Not just a mom. Now to have that confidence stick the next time I am asked:)
This is the best post I’ve read in ages. I love it. Thank you.
I agree with the above comment by Cindy. Beautifully written and said.
Thank you for this reminder! It made my day better!
You are so uplifting, thank you so much for sharing your awesome heart with others!
Sharing this tomorrow on my blog’s fave post of the week 🙂 Thank you for your encouragement!
Yes! And I find it very interesting that I come across this and that you stressed repeatedly that “we are raising the next generation”– YES! WE ARE!
I’ve been reading a book about the generation entering the workforce now and thinking about the importance of raising up the next generation. And “oddly” enough coming across several other related posts as well. I think God’s trying to tell me something. =)
I just love this post. I am in the “process” of becoming a step-parent and with every minute I have more and more respect for my girlfriend-mothers. It is an incredible feat and a fantastic work to be a Mom.
This is stunning and powerful and heartfelt – just the way I like my reads to be!
(I love how you carried yourself, and the message you’re sending here. Truly.)
GOOD stuff here, “Being a mother is an incredible and powerful role that has been diminished in society. ”
love that you point out “just” is a FOUR LETTER WORD! hmmm
And there is grams! And tomorrow all of my grandsons should be here! Oh let the chaos begin!
Praying so very hard in Seattle!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
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Thank you for this!!!!
Rachel – here is another one you have hit out of the park. God Bless you. I am going to share this.
Thank you! Thank you! These sentiments need to be said, and lived out in our lives! Society is failing, and partly because the family, and with it, MOM, is no longer important. I too wrote about this and got a strong response as well. We as woman need to remember how important MOM is!
Thank-you! What an encouraging post! I had no idea how big the christian homeschool community is that there are even conventions!
I love those photos of you with your boys… mothering in action. I can see your boys learning about life, love, relationships right there in those very moments!
And those are not things to put “just” in front of either. 🙂
P.S. I was sent over by The Hippie Housewife — nice to meet you!
Ok, I have to laugh – a good laugh, but still a laugh. Glad I didn’t read this post until after I had written mine, entitled, yep, you guessed it, “Just a Mom”. Funny, huh? Loved your post by the way – and I agree, completely. Blessings to you and yours ~ Kelley
You have such a gift, Rachel. Your words speak right to my fragile heart, my friend.