Today tell a friend or someone you know or a random person a kind thing.
“I am proud of you.”
“Thank you for your help.”
“You matter to me.”
“I appreciate you.”
“You are wonderful”
“Thank you for all you do.”
“You are brave.”
“I love you.”
This world, especially now, especially during years that are unexpected, needs kind-speakers. It’s kind of my own made-up phrase, but think of it like truth-tellers.
Kind speakers are those who decide to share kindness into the lives of another.

It doesn’t mean you agree with everything.
It doesn’t mean you always have the right answers.
It just means that even with differences or the busy or the crazy of life that for this moment you will speak kindness into the heart of someone else. And sometimes being a kind-speaker means deciding that in this moment instead of speaking, you listen. And sometimes it means that you decide to leave words of love more than words of needing your perspective being heard.
Listen, they might not even receive it. But you have put it into the universe, added that layer, that ripple of good.
It is showing up, creating a ripple.
Those ripples change lives.
Those ripples break the chain of loneliness.
Those ripples add joy.
Create a ripple today.
Bless others with kindness.