this last week has gone by in a blur. I’ve been so busy. Why?
1) Ebay. Remember my post with the piles of books? I am still working on listing, emailing, and packing those books. Feels so good to clean the shelves.
2) Trying to decide. I still do not know what the final curriculum choices will be this fall. I’m getting close, but get so indecisive when it come time to actually buy. Somehow I feel “bound” by the choice. I just need to decide.
3) Speaking of decide, if I get another catalog in the mail or another email promising me that they have the best curriculum and solution to all my problems then I just might scream. 🙂
4) Homeschooling success? Doesn’t come from the curriculum (though it helps). It’s about doing and implementation. I always compare it to reading the best book on parenting — if you don’t actually do it the book does you no good.
5) Let’s see, what else? I’m going to be canning. I have a bunch of produce ready to meet the black canning pot. Busy.
6) Speaking of food, and now that we all know that Aarti won the Next Food Network Star, I did the once a month cooking thing last week. Actually, I cooked 12 meals at one time. It was work. In the long run I think it’s cheaper — the meals work off of each other. We’ll see how they taste. This needs to be it’s own post — so think of this as the “teaser”– more to come from finding joy! (hee hee hee)
7) Samuel. He is busy. Super busy. Crawling, cruising around furniture, oh, so busy. Love him though — hold up I need to go get him as he’s making a beeline for the stairs. (and thank goodness for cabinet locks)
8) Elijah has decided to introduce Samuel to food. All foods. Samuel will find Elijah and Elijah will give him a snack. It’s kind of cute.
9) And last, besides Elijah’s birthday, I’ve been busy painting. I am not a planning painter. I am a spur of the moment painter. See below — first I love mistint paints. Cheap. Perfect for me. Second — I just decide I’m going to paint. My family came home to find me on top of our fridge painting the corner of the kitchen wall. We have a vaulted ceiling, so I had to get it — grin. Please don’t try this at home. (grin again)
10) See Elijah’s cake? Cute? It was just a $9.99 Target round that I added 3 Matchbox cars to. He loved it. Called it his “best vroomy cake” — made me melt. 🙂 Vroomy = cars.
Link up my blogging friends!! Join in the randomness.

I have never heard of ‘mistint’ paint, but it sounds right up my alley~ I am way more spontaneous with that sort of thing! And glad you had success with the meal thing… can’t wait to hear about your menu! have a great Monday!
There are so many homeschooling catalogs. I am glad I found one a few years ago that I love. It is covenant home curriculum. It comes with everything…lesson plans, tests, grading sheets. I absolutely love it. Not that I want to add another catalog to your collection…just in case this is one you had and were possibly considering 🙂
No super target here = no target produce. 🙁 No super walmart either. I know…how do we survive? I was just wondering if you know the difference between selling books on ebay vs. amazon? I’ve tried the amazon thing, but I wonder if ebay was more profitable?
I found you via miscellany monday 🙂
I’ve never canned…but, really want to this year. I’m thinking salsa and tomato sauce. Can’t wait to see what you end up canning–I’m sure it’ll be good inspiration!!
It is overwhelming isn’t it… & I know I always want to make the right choice… so much pressure. 🙂 Praying you will find peace in your decisions!
Aww cute little Elijah and his vroomy cake! : )
I hope you are able to make a decision about your curricula with assurance and implement it with confidence! Purchases can make decisions seem so FINAL, but I know that whichever you choose, you’ll make it a good learning experience for your kids.
Have a blessed week Rachel!
So enjoyed stopping by today. Just reminds me of those busy days of little ones. But, they really do pass so quickly and then you’ll be enjoying “grans” and they are someone else’ responsibility. :o) A wonderful week to you and all the best in your curricula selection. Smiles!
I love the picture of Samuel and Elijah. It reminded me of the time I feed my sister everything yummy I could find because, you know, she was my little sister. However, that included a bottle of very strong, but sweet and good tasting cough sirup so my mother wasn’t too thrilled about it 😉
Oh, my black canning pot is sitting in a corner of my kitchen giving me the evil eye and filling me with guilt. I was supposed to be using it so much this summer. But, mostly it’s been collecting dust.
I love the vroomy cake!
Just love the cake. That was cute! As for the homeschooling. I am with you there. I only have the 2 for now in school, but it’s a lot of work. As for the canning…Looking forward to seeing post about it.
Thanks for the ” just breathe” comment last week. I did just that. I needed to read that comment at the moment 🙂
~blessings and have a fabulous week
Oh, I always love to hear what’s going on in your house…seems like there are ALWAYS b-day cakes! There simply can be no wrong done in a home with so many cakes…I LOVE IT!
rahcel! how are there enough hours in a day to do all that you do?! wow! i’m so impressed with all the meals. you have me teased and i can’t wait to read all about it. samuel man is as cute as ever right along with elijah. i love that elijah brings him food… he’s treating his brother well! i’m a fan of mistints too. only kelly has banned me from painting because i’m terrible at it. that best vroomy cake was certainly the best! i wish our target had groceries… then i could really spend the entire day there!
hope you have a fantastic week! hugs to you, friend!
Great pics as always!
Lifting up prayers!
Psalm 3:3-5 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.
Prayer Bears
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