is one made to cherish many things
from the first rock in a chair
to the hugs goodbye
watching them grow
and not fighting the change
but embracing the now
today’s moment

a mother’s heart
knows how to love
and to be brave
and when to laugh
and when to cry
and when to be strong
a mother’s heart
can hurt
and then pray
and give thanks
and seek
and surrender
a mother’s heart
knows how to teach
and how to learn
and how to rejoice
and how to be proud
and how to cherish
and how to hold
a mother’s heart
{my heart}
is like this
knowing the ups
and the downs
loving them
teaching them
fighting for them
grateful for them
and yes, again
loving and loving and loving them.
a mother’s heart is one to be cherished.
No wonder I’m always exhausted, my heart has been so busy! Love this post and all the sweet pics!
Ha – I like the first comment… Maybe it also explains why I’m frazzled on most accounts? : )
This is so sweet. That momma’s heart of yours is a beauty and I’m certain it’s treasured by each of your babes.
This is really lovely! A mother’s heart is truly busy!
So many emotions in these momma’s hearts..beautiful writing. 🙂
that was beautiful, and the photos are such a perfect accompaniment. Thank you.
You have such a beautiful mother’s heart. Such touching words and gorgeous photos.
Just lovely. And such stunning photography.
love this post! I underestimated how much a Mother’s heart could feel until I became a Mother.
Beautiful words and beautiful pictures. Great post. Thank you.
Still praying in Seattle!
Galatians 1:3-5 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer Bears
My email address
HI Rachel 🙂 I hopped over from the AOP awards. So nice to come to your site and “meet” you! Oh, my heart agrees with every.single.word. in this post. Love your site and your heart too.
i don’t know how i missed this post! simply beautiful!