You guys know my heart. My heart? It’s about my family. About seeking joy.
And living intentional.
When I was given the opportunity to review the book – How to Have a HEART for Your Kids by Rachael Carman (published by Apologia )- I knew I had to jump in. Not because she has seven kids — which I, of course, think is very cool — but because her heart seems to mirror many things that I seek. I am going to tell you that if you have kids, no matter whether you homeschool or not, that you really should put this book on your recommended reading list. Why? Because instead of being this guide and checklist of things that need to be done or changed this book is instead a look at your own heart. Your thoughts. And your direction.
Throughout the book she gives examples from Scripture about the heart of mothers — from Ruth, to Moses’ mother, to Mary, to Hannah. All moms. So often we can read the Bible and gloss over those stories and not really think about what those mothers dealt with. Giving up a child at age four? Putting a baby in a reed basket and letting him drift down a river? Come on. I get stressed over signing my kids up for the right classes or whether or not we’ve done enough math or if they’ve watched too much tv. Reading Rachael Carman’s words puts my own mothering and the real important back into perspective. She made me grateful for all those moments, those gifts of time, where I can walk hand in hand with a little one of mine.

this book is right up my alley. i’m not about formulas, so i love that it delves into Bible stories and really pays attention to the heart of the matter. i’ll put it on my reading list, indeed. thanks sweet rach. xoxo!!!
Gotta love the disclaimer!
Praying hard right now!
Psalms 130:5-7 I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let [us] hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.
Prayer Bears
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