After six days of a sick Samuel I can finally state that I think he’s on the mend. I did take him to the pediatrician yesterday, and they did run a bunch of tests…which we’ll find out today. The doctor seemed relieved once the first tests started coming back normal, as she didn’t like how sick he was and was slightly concerned. Praise God for His healing!
Planting Chums (CLICK HERE TO ENTER) for this last week is four random facts. I love this one. Being a semi-random person this allows my creativity, aka randomness, to shine through. So grab your coffee, tea, LaCroix water (that was for you Hanni), and enjoy!
1. I never ever ever ever lose my patience. I am so calm all the time. It’s almost as if I have an extra dose of rational thinking…..okay…this might be a little eensy bit of a fallacy. Truth? I’ve got to work daily to not react, but to speak with intentionality. When I’m reaching the end of my rope with craziness I’ve discovered several antidotes. Which my kids know as well. One of them? Coffee. Hannah or Chloe have been known to state, “why don’t you quick go get yourself a latte? We’ll tidy for you….” They’ve got me figured out. 🙂
my birthday gift from Hannah and Chloe
my magnets
3. I love to find the deal.Put a red Target clearance ticket on it and it’s a beauty to me. I used to be an assistant to the regional merchandiser for Pier 1 Imports and started coming across lots of deals while there. In fact, when I worked there (waaaaay back then) my home probably looked like an add spread for Pier 1. Now I’m content to scour garage sales and the back endcaps at Target. Those pics below? Made up from my finds. I’ve got an entire wall of black and white prints put in my “find” frames.
my wall of finds
4. I love yard work. Love, love, love gardening and lawn care. As a child my dad had this huge garden…and I mean huge. I told him that I would never, ever, ever, ever have a garden when I grew up. I didn’t want to spend hours shelling peas or pulling weeds, Until I grew up. Now, I love my garden and my green grass. I’ve got these weird concoctions that I put on my grass…beer with dishsoap with ammonia with xyzzz (thanks to the garden guru Jerry Baker). I love to take my morning stroll and see what’s growing. It’s about beauty, about putting my hands in the ground, about peace. And yeah, going back to number one, if I don’t get coffee the next step the kids take is, “why don’t you go check your garden, Mom?”
see my garden starting?
new growth
my greening grass
I must thank my daughter Hannah for a) putting together the Planting Chums post and b)taking these fabulous pictures for me (which fyi I saved the wrong way…shouldn’t have been saved as a jpg, but rather a png…they’d be even better). It’s amazing the pictures that I get when SHE takes them and I don’t USE MY PHONE to take my pics. I know it’s late in the week, but seriously if you’re reading this and haven’t linked up to Planting Chums now is the time to do so. All you have to do is list four facts and then you are entered in to win one of 10 amazing Etsy give-aways. It’s awesome. And I’m not saying that cause I’m her mom. 🙂

Thanks again for all the prayers!!
Such a sweet list! This reminds me I need to update one of the walls in my house.
I love the magnets on your fridge. Since we have a stainless one, my hubby won’t allow anything on it. I miss the simple reminders and seeing faces that I love. Oh and I made the decision to collect mugs many years ago, most of which I am proud to say, I’ve sold at garage sales. I love garage sale shopping. I get up early and chart my course. I do not have much of a green thumb. I tend to kill anything that leaves and is green. Great list!
I love this list! I am anti-magnet on the front of the fridge – all mine are on the side.
I’m not a collector anymore. I’m actually a dumper/giver-away-er. There’s an organization called Clothes Helping Kids that SENDS A TRUCK TO YOUR HOUSE to pick up unwanted items. They call us once a month, and I ALWAYS have something to give them. I hate clutter. However, with 3 kids, my house is always cluttered!
I just love that your daughters know to recommend a latte if you’re having a hard time!
Glad to hear Samuel is on the mend!
praying that ALL of samuel’s tests come back normal! praise the Lord for healing him!
thank you for your sweet and encouraging comment. it touched my heart. it’s always so comforting when someone tells you that it’s okay to cry. thank you.
i love how well your girls know you! it’s so cute!
i have a magnet collection of places, too. it’s super fun. i think it’s the best souvenier – especially since they’re cheap!
good deals are the best kind! i love hunting for them. it’s thrilling! i like the glimpse i got of your gorgeous picture wall.
your garden looks beautiful… hannah’s pictures are always amazing.
fun post! I’d love to see a bigger pick of all your black frames!! hint. 🙂
Patience is a virtue that I still need to get the hang of, lol. Good on you for being patient.
I like the idea of gardening too, but I think I have a black thumb, waaaahhh!
What FUN facts about yourself! I love that picture of your “wall of finds.” So pretty! 🙂
That is great that you don’t lose your patience! For some reason, mom’s I know with a lot of kids (like you!) NEVER lose their patience! You sound just like two mom’s I know who have 7 & 8 kids. =)