I woke up early with good intentions to write my Monday morning post. After all, I had all of Easter to share with you all. I sat down, opened up blogger, and almost immediately heard my Samuel cry.
I picked him up, fed him, and was thinking that I’d just hold him while I typed. Then I looked at him, and how tired he seemed, and how he just wanted me to hold him. To be still.
Slowly, I left the computer, and rested with him on our old plaid couch. His sweet body nestled in the crook of my arm and within minutes — he was asleep. We stayed there for almost an hour. Just Samuel and me. While he slept I rested, prayed for him, and enjoyed the simple quietness and calmness of holding a sweet little one.
I could have missed that moment.
I could have stuck with my initial idea to write, to be on schedule, to start Monday in a rush.
But Samuel had different plans.
And just like I wrote about last week with Caleb and coloring {choosing the right color}I was once again reminded how I needed to release my agenda – the cooking, cleaning, blog writing, over-achieving, I need to get it all done agenda. Somehow the Lord has been teaching me to slow down. To stop moving on hyper-drive and to begin to be alert to the moments, the gifts, that He has planted right in front of me. I was moving so fast that I had been missing some of the beauty in the every day.
So this morning, at 6:12 am, I embraced the moment.
After all, there won’t be many more days where Samuel will fit in the crook of my arm.
But this morning? He did.
And it was wonderful.

I can relate to this one…BTW those feet are so sweet.
Soak it up!
Sweet Samuel. What a beautiful moment you had…isn’t it wonderful when we embrace those sweet moments. 🙂
Embrace is the such a perfect word. I am really trying to make it an everyday life word.
Enjoy your moments, because they do pass by just to fast.
What sweet moment! Cherish those as they grow up all too quick!
One of your most beautiful Miscellany Monday posts yet!
What a beaufitul post! It sounds like a perfect way to start your morning and I love the picture!
I hope your Monday is full of sweet joys like this. And less agendas. : ) hugs to you!
Ps. I got an email from Amy about the bracelet. I feel bad bc I haven’t responded yet… I plan to tonight when Kelly is home w/ computer. I’m having trouble with my mobile email. Just FYI in case she asks. Thank you. I’m looking forward to it!!!
Just wanted you to know I added your button to my blog!
Beautiful post! I always love reading your blog. 🙂
Sounds like you morning turned out perfect! 🙂
Oh, agendas really can get in the way of life. I’ve allowed them to way too many times. Good for you for enjoying the moment with Samuel this morning.
It’s always a joy to stop by and share in your life. Blessings!
you will NEVER regret these times you spend with your kids! You’re creating such special memories but what’s better, you’re creating caring, loving children who will grow up to be caring, loving parents!
Stopping by to let you know I’m still here praying!
Psalms 59:16-17 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble. Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy.
Prayer Bears
My email address
I had a similar moment last week. I have an online diary, and I wrote almost the EXACT thing..about almost midding a moment like that. So dear and tender. Because with all the “firsts” we have with our children, also come “lasts”. You never know when one of those “lasts” will come…so holding on to every moment like this is a memory that can last forever. xo (this brought tears to my eyes, as does much of your writing!)
I love it, so touching. I have been realizing the same thing lately with Benjamin being two the moments seem to be few and far between but I want to cherish the moments when they do arise. Thanks for this!
Such a beautiful post about soaking up the precious moments that go so fast if we don’t slow down to take them in. So happy that you got this little hour to cuddle with your love. I haven’t had one of those in a long time with Daisy. I hope for a few more before that chapter is closed!