There’s a ridiculously lonely space in motherhood. I call it the space between little kids and graduated kids. Also know as the teenage years,…
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin is the author behind Finding Joy and the books, "Get Your Spark Back," "Mom Enough," and "The Brave Art of Motherhood." She is fiercely passionate about living an authentic, joy-filled and driven life and because of that writes powerful truth for others hoping to be the catalyst for change.
I’ve lived in crisis most of my life. Divorce. Bankruptcy. Money issues. Single parenting. Moving. Celiac Disease. Just a bunch. And normal regular kid-mom-life…
My life coach told me to write about the places that I’d like to avoid. She told me those are the places that others…
I still love you. I don’t know how else to say it other than with those words. I added still because I’m thinking you…
“Children don’t remember their best day of television” That’s a quote I just read that I think we should have a conversation about. And…
I made up that word. Hustle-less. I think for most of my life I look at December and instantly feel the anxiousness of the…