Just watch.
But have some kleenex by you. Not just some, but a bunch. You will need them.
You know what I love about this?
It applies to us too as moms. To how we look at our neighbors and the moms at Target and our own moms and our children. Do we spend time in a hurry and a rush and forget to say the simple, and yet beautiful words of I love you and you matter to me to to those in our life that we get to do life with? It’s not about racing to get ahead. It’s about living, loving, and caring for those in our paths right now.
This. I cannot think of more beautiful words than these.
Okay I’m crying. I so so SO want my kids to understand this and KNOW that THEY are the meaning in my days. I don’t want to forget that either! Thank you for this!!!
I need to restock Kleenex if I keep reading here! This is my heart, for my family to know the love I didn’t always know and rest in too much of my life. Beautiful.