Here are fifty AMAZING things that mothers do – those fun, rare, and incredible things.
Moms can…
1. Pick up objects with their toes.
2. Answer eight questions at once while talking on the phone and answering an email.
3. Count to 10 several times in a row several times a day.
4. Find a pair of underwear in a basket full of unfolded clothes in thirty-three seconds.
5. Make amazing dinners, or at least they seem like they should be amazing, with limited ingredients.
6. Push the gigantic cart at Target and turn corners without knocking over displays or small children.
7. Change a diaper, if needed, with only one wipe.
8. Use the power of google to find answers to homework questions that they have forgotten.
9. Laugh in those times when they feel like crying.
10. Keep going even on little sleep and no caffeine.
Moms make…
11. The world better with a simple hug and smile.
12. The definition of multitasking what it truly is – amazing and needed.
13. A messy living room clean in 5 minutes when they find that someone is coming over in 10 minutes.
14. The tears falling from a bad dream go away.
15. The most patient person in the world look like they are impatient.
16. A mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich with only remnants of both left in the jar.
17. Scary thunderstorms seem like nothing.
18. Running after a toddler a form of daily exercise and yoga.
19. The cutting of grapes in half and hotdogs in quarters look easy.
20. The most out of the seven minute naps that they are blessed with twice a week.
Moms love…
21. Art with pictures of mom drawn so carefully.
22. Beds that are made and clothes in the hamper. Or at least one of the two.
23. Moments of peace and quiet in the morning.
24. Those times wandering into Target hand in hand.
25. Those times wandering into Target alone even though they’re just getting a couple things.
26. Flowers picked from the garden even though they were the tulips that just opened.
27. To give pep talks and rule reminders in the 5 minutes before their child is dropped off.
28. To carefully switch the cards in Candyland so the go almost back to the start one is never drawn.
29. Swaying back and forth while talking with others even after they are no longer holding the baby.
30. Family pictures even though only a portion of the kids are even looking at the camera.
Moms hope…
31. For the best for their kids.
32. That the coffee doesn’t run out in the morning.
33. That they are making a difference.
34. That the baby will sleep at least 3 hours in a row at night.
35. For the day when they don’t have to race behind the bike trying to balance it up.
36. That not everyone will get sick at once.
37. That there is enough hot water left for their shower.
38. That they get a shower.
39. For the perfect garage sale where they don’t have to barter and prices are clearly marked.
40. That after 3 weeks of choosing the same video that their four year old changes their selection.
Moms are brave…
41. Every time they muster the courage to keep trying.
42. Every single time they get behind on laundry folding and then spend the next 4 hours folding.
43. When they say no to the dishes and yes to reading.
44. Every single time they go on Amazon Prime.
45. When they let the kids do a makeover on them.
46. When they say yes to the no mess and easy clean up fingerpaint.
47. When they invite their unexpected guest in, smile, & don’t apologize for the real life living mess.
48. Anytime they start the whole potty training cycle.
49. Every morning. Every breakfast. Every noon. Every snack time. Every dinner. Every night.
50. Every single day of the year. Now stand up, take a bow, and salute mothers.
Onward Brave Mother!
How about you? What would you add to the list of amazing talents of a mom?
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Images and original content are sole property of Rachel Martin and may not be used, copied or transmitted without prior written consent.
This is great! And I being a first time mommy with a 6 month old find myself swaying and rocking all the time.
Love this post!!!
Love this post!!!
I love this list. Some skills I have to say, I can see I’ve overlooked as normal, when they are my superpowers! Finding tiny underwear in seconds after 5 other people have gone to look for the same said underwear! 🙂
I love this post so much. Thank you so much for continually finding ways to give me tears and goosebumps.
Wishing you a lovely day.
It always amazes me when you can come up with these huge lists!
Whatever the Lord allows to happen in your life, He’ll get you through! Praying right now!
Psalms 91:9-12 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
My email address
LOVE love LOVE – as always! I salute you 🙂
I sure do enjoy your posts!!! You have such a gift of encouragement for moms, which is much needed! Thank you for writing these encouragements! I wish I had them when I was raising our children! Hindsight is 20/20!!! LOL!
I just found your blog!! Just in time when I needed these words of encouragement. Thank you!
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Thank you!