{I wrote this last night, was planning on finishing it this morning, and then a massive thunderstorm with powerful winds hit. Knocked out the power. So no post — until now.}
Sometimes I count like that.
I don’t know why, but I do. And my kids all count correctly. We go 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, Every single time. And yet, I’ll do silly things like mess up the numbers. Intentionally — just to be a bit goofy — and to have my kids call me on it.

Sometimes we mess up. I know. Let’s take my last night. I walked into the older boys room and discovered that a bomb accidentally went off and every single toy, book, and piece of clothing now made it’s way into a delightful pile of mixed up stuff covering every square inch of carpet.
And I got very annoyed.
I had just spent a good hour cleaning that room earlier in the day. Sorting some stuff. Throwing away. Folding. And then I went to take my father-in-law to the doctors only to come home to this incredibly insane mess. I wish I could tell you that I pulled out the classic clean up song and we worked together skipping while we put away the toys each into their artfully lettered and color coded boxes all the while hugging and enjoying each other’s company.
I grumbled. And decided to throw everything into a huge pile blocking the closet. A four foot high pile of stuff. And those boys looked at me like I was just a bit nuts. I knew it was more work. I knew I wasn’t going in the right order — like that counting mentioned above — but I knew, at that moment, that all I could do was make the most gigantic pile of stuff that I could to demonstrate the wrong order.
Brennan looked at me and told me he thinks we better clean and get rid of some stuff.
I totally agreed.
After my victorious feeling left — I’d say it took a good 7 minutes — I realized that I should go in and chat with Brennan. So I wandered into the deceptively clean looking room — that is until you saw Mount Doom of Toys in the corner — and sat at Brennan’s bed and told him that I was sorry that I got so irritated about stuff. He knew the order — we clean and sort and work together and tonight I just made up my own order. I looked at that tender seven year old boy’s face and told him that we’ll take care of it. Together. We’ll put everything in the right order. We’ll clean it up.
I should have done the ol’counting trick of counting to ten before deciding to count my own way. It’s okay. It’s all learning. And saying you’re sorry. {And deciding to have a massive garage sale. Or donating.} And picking up, right where one left, and starting again.
If you don’t hear from me for a while it’s because I’ll be whittling down the toys one by one.
And giving those boys some hugs from mom.
{thanks for the votes yesterday for the AOP Media Awards. If you’d like to vote again today here’s the link AOP Awards }
I’m the same way. Except I always count in the correct order. : ) I get so frustrated with people’s rooms being a mess, we really need to purge more “things” I guess! And I need to not get so bothered by the little messes.
You’re such a sweet mama, Rachel – we all have our days (and our highly exasperated moments!) but the important thing is that we’re learning and growing. And willing to confess to our kids when we fail.
Daily I ask the Lord to convict me of what I need to change – and so far He hasn’t run out of things 🙂
You’d think by the time we got to 7 kids we’d have reached a higher level of perfection, don’t you think? 🙂
That is such a frustrating feeling. It is ok to be mad, and it is good to explain to your sons why you are mad. I am glad they saw the reason and worked with you to fix it. If you just keep cleaning and cleaning how will they ever learn that this is something they need to do.
I love your tactic, made your sweet boys think. 🙂
I hear you – I’ll clean up the living room or playroom before naptime, and 30 minutes after the girls are up everything is back on the floor. I feel that most of my day is spent cleaning up toys and books!!
But….when I get frustrated, I try to remember to give thanks that I have a home to mess up, girls that love to play, a body that can clean up, etc. It generally works for me 🙂
So at first the counting made me thing of the Sesame Street song…1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,ooohhh. Anyways. Grace…it was what I need to remind myself to give to my children because it is given to me daily.
I’m in the same boat with the overwhelming toy thing and I only have one child. She has 3 sets of grandparents who spoil her and older cousins who love to bring their old toys over to give to her. Right now she’s not much of a help with cleaning but the little, “clean up clean up everybody everywhere” song gets her to throw a couple of things back into her toy box.
Are we allowed to vote for you more than once? The instructions on that site tell us to “vote often”, but when I accessed the site today it still had my vote from yesterday. Any ideas? I’d love for you to win – you deserve it!
We have baby things we need to get rid of. JDaniel keeps coming up with reasons to keep them and I keep giving in.
voting again today, of course. : )
i think it’s good for our kids to see our frustrations, because it shows them our need for a savior too. and then in there frustrations they see that same sin and their same need for a savior. and sometimes all that comes out of a mess of toys!
I read huge pile and thought…oh this is me. I am ashamed to admit it but I do the pile every single time I spend hours cleaning and organizing earlier only for a bomb to go off and everything seem to be out of its place. I let my OCD and my temper take control of me and throw it all in the middle of the floor. In.a.pile.
I feel sorry later {not as soon as 7 minutes though} usually a good 15 to 20 minutes and go in usually with tears in my eyes apologizing and helping with whatever is left to clean. It’s a vicious cycle and I need to learn to take a step back and realize it’s ok. Because it really is ok. It’s ok to be a little out of order sometimes.
Unfortunately we have all been there, Rachel. We are only human. I like to tell myself that apologizing and/or showing our kids how to work things out is good for them. I actually believe that too.
Love your honesty Rachel. Always refreshingly truthful.
I must have stopped by later last night because they won’t let me vote again yet.
And I used to pile up the kids toys all the time…or put them in a big garbage can and then they went through everything.
Stopping by to let you know you’re still in my prayers!
Psalms 62:1-2 Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
Prayer Bears
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Exactly what I faced today, the children and I cleaned their rooms, then I took one of the kids to a doctor’s appointment and came home to messy rooms. Ughhh, I really appreciated this post.
All too often I forget about the count to 10 rule…it’s good to be reminded.
God luck climbing out! Bring snacks!