Yesterday was the above mentioned day.
It wasn’t anything big — rather it was a building up of small events — percolating to the surface and reaching boiling point. I was gone at the surgeon’s office in the morning so our schedule got off {one more month of pt unless I decide I want surgery now}. Then cereal spilled. And someone didn’t understand math. And the little boys were picking at each other. But, mainly, it was noise. And the fact that literally not more than 15 seconds seemed to go by until another one yelled, said, whispered, or signaled mom.
There’s only one of me.
Don’t get me wrong. I love being mom and all it entails. But, there are days, when I’m surprised that I have hair left on my head. I’ll sit at our table and be frozen as the noise escalates around me.
Time out.
I have to actually walk away from the room. From the homeschool books, and dirty dishes, and questions, and toys strewn about the floor. I’ll go into my room and just stop. I’ll stop that feeling of overwhelm that loves to trickle into the everyday. I’ll pray for perspective. And breathe deep.
Then I’ll return.
Most times I return to exactly what I left. Chaos. But, my heart is different. So I’ll whisper to those that are using too loud a voice {Elijah} until they whisper back. I’ll pick up Samuel and hold him in my lap. I’ll tell them all that I am going to give everyone a task to do — so I’ll start Brennan on math, and Gracie on mapping, and Caleb reading a book. I’ll grab a puzzle for Elijah and hope that he can find the corners. Then I’ll listen to Hannah’s response and help Chloe with Algebra.
Those kind of days are tiring. Really. But, when I get to those points where I’m so tired and worn I’ll simply pray and ask the Lord to fill me with His strength and to give me eyes that aren’t focused on this world, but on Him. And I will pray for those kids scattered around our main level — for love, patience, passion. I’ll pray again for His perspective on our day.
And sometimes for just a little bit quieter voices.
Thnak you, my friend, for reminding me that i’m not alone, and that sometimes it’s ok to walk out for a moment!
Dear Friend, I remember it well. Praying for one moment of peace. Locking myself in the bathroom just to breathe. AND I ONLY HAD TWO! My kids are in their twenties now. It’s awfully quiet around here. Either that or I’ve gone deaf from all the yelling.
Nothing like a Mommy time out to refuel. He will equip you with strength…He actually already has. You’re doing awesome.
i had a day like this yesterday. although, i have five less kids than you, so my crazy was probably not as crazy. : )
you’re such a good mom. i think the hardest thing with discipline for me is keeping cool myself. walking away is the best medicine for that… you are so right.
keep on, keeping on. i will too.
love ya!
Dear Rachel,
I enjoy your blog so much. I started reading when Amy at Raising Arrows directed us over to you when Samuel was so sick.
I find myself struggling so much right now with my just 2-year-old, 4-year-old, and 8-year-old girls. I keep wondering if sending the oldest to school would be the answer because our days are usually so hectic with the two little girls. The 4-year-old screams when something doesn’t go her way, and sometimes I think it’s making me lose my mind. I’m going to try whispering today. I remember reading that technique long ago, so thanks so much for reminding me.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
I can relate so well with my 2 boys, I can’t even imagine 7 kids! Sounds like you do the right things though, walk away, pray, and come back. I will try that next time!
I feel like I’ve been having a lot of those days lately. And, I’m really tired. I’ve tried walking away for a minute and praying, but I have a really hard time getting my heart in the right place. I know how ‘in demand’ I am with just 4 boys, so I often think about families with even more children…especially homeschoolers. And, I wonder if they experience the same stuff or if they are better at keeping everyone on task and happy. Thank you for reminding me that sometimes these days are just a part of motherhood and that I’m not alone.
I am at this point today. I literally gave up. The noise and the overwhelming of stuff to do around me literally gave me a migraine. The girls were arguing and Kelsie scratched Kayla. It was just a mess, one right after the other. I have been trying to walk away lately and come back with new eyes and an open heart. I admit it’s hard. But I want to thank you for your reminder..and I have never thought about the whispering to your kids when they are using loud {outside voices} until they whisper back. Genius! That may help save some of my sanity. {and hair!}
No kidding! You have those days too?
There is joy even in chaos and hair-pulling because those things really drive us to Jesus!
I recently read and it so filled my heart:
“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy;
at Thy right hand there are pleasures forever more.”
Psalms 16:11
I hope your days are full of His presence dear Rachel.
Love to you,
I didn’t handle those days nearly so well.
Praying in Seattle!
Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Thank you for this post…I feel like that on days too. It all gets too loud or overwhelming and I do have to step away and reflect for a bit. I think we are better mamas after we do that!
Whispers are good. Love the realness here.
Hugs~ Cinnamon
I feel so at home reading your blog, so glad I found it! With 5 kids 11 and under I have many moments like the one shared, so happy I can take a step away, breathe and come back a better mommy.
Thank you for sharing.
yep…can so relate…have had a few of those days…and whispered the same kind of whispers. Stay strong….
Ooooo, I can tell I will be back for more of this type of encouragement! Today is my first day on your blog…and well-timed! I am rebounding from 2 cookie-cutter back-to-back days like you have just described. Shed a few tears, grabbed a hug from hubby, read a quick scripture, and turned on the praise music. (quietly, of course)
Homeschool Mom of Nine in MN
Oh my goodness, I think I just found a new favorite blog! 🙂
I love your idea of whispering until they whisper back….I’m absolutely going to have to try that! (and if you have suggestions for how to introduce/implement that…. momkaboodle at gmail.com)
Thanks for this great bit of encouragement!