Grin. Confession time. I am was a wash with water only kind of gal. For some reason, I’ve forgotten the fact that with each passing…
Finding Joy Blog
Gratitude: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness When I started Friday Favorite Things last February it…
I love summer. I love the freedom, the lack of brimming to the rim schedule, and the break from the frenzy. That being said,…
Every week I’ll get these little emails in my inbox from Klout rating my influence. They’ll give me a number, a number that never…
I am proud of you. I uttered those words to my Eli, my sweet and precocious and busy and challenging and fiesty, Elijah, after…
It’s summer, and even though it’s time to rest we all know fall is creeping right around the corner. And with fall? Expenses –…