Amy is an in-real-life friend of mine, one that I love calling friend. Our lives have intersected in many ways in the last five years, and I can always go to her for solid advice, grace, and friendship. To read my post about homeschooling with joy please click here.

Samuel update. His pneumonia is slowly improving. His wonderful doctor had such wise words for me about him and his health. She reminded me that for over half of his life that he has been dealing with a weaker body (due to undiagnosed Celiac Disease) and that it will take time — years probably — for his body to regain his full health. That being said, they’re now concerned that he has asthma. So moms of children with asthma, please share some asthma advice for this momma of a super sweet almost two year old. Do you do nebs daily? When and how do you know they need them? And did they outgrow it?
I’ll be using random number generator today to randomly generate the winner for the Oreck vacuum. Thank you, my dear friends, for all of your support and your many many many entries. The winner will be announced on this week’s friday favorite things — and one of you will get a box {like the one above}just like that very soon.
And speaking of Friday Favorite things — I’d love for you to join this week! It’s a wonderful day to reflect on your week and seek out those unexpected moments of joy. Even if it’s writing about coffee like I do. 🙂 I have the link-up ready to go by 5:30 CST Friday morning.
That’s it for the updates! Thanks for reading and journeying with me. As always — I’m grateful for your friendship and encouraging words.
I am glad that he is doing better.
So thankful that Samuel is feeling better. I never had time to enter for the Oreck, so I’m still repenting for the spirit of envy toward the winner. lol. Love reading your updates!
continued prayers for sweet samuel and your family. your words are always a blessing to me 🙂
I am glad to hear Samuel is doing better. Continuing to pray for him.
I am sure the winner of the Oreck will be a very, very happy person. 🙂
Glad to hear the family is recovering and that little Samuel is improving. Best of luck and health to you all this week!
I admire you so much Rachel. I’ll pop over soon and read your guest post. I am thankful Samuel is getting better. Praying for continued strength and healing for his body. My youngest son was born with weak lungs and had pretty severe astham until just over the age of 2. He did outgrow it. Every now and then, if he gets a bad cold, we’ll have to do a treatment, but otherwise, he’s medicine free.
I’m glad y’all are getting past your bouts of sickness! My brother actually had severe asthma for most of his childhood. I don’t remember much about it, but I can ask my brother and parents about what it was like for them. I do know that my brother probably grew out of the severity of his asthma around the end of elementary school/beginning of middle school. He’s now 17 and a freshman in college and continues to take steroids daily and carries {or at least is supposed to carry} an inhaler with him everywhere in case he begins to wheeze. I’ll ask him some more specific questions about it and let you know what he says.
samuel really has been through the gamut. poor baby!!! hoping and praying it isn’t asthma, but if so, that he will get all the care he needs. i know he’s in good hands.
great guest post… character first and academics second – that’s how all schooling should be! one of the biggest reasons i’d love to homeschool is to be able to pray with my kids all day throughout their work. we’ll see!
My daughter had physical induced asthma. She really only had an attack if she was doing something strenuous. It was also induced the more humid it was. Living in Illinois she had the wheeze quite often and was on a fast acting inhaler. When we moved to Idaho she was put on a daily inhaler to use at our discretion. We watched her and realized when she truly needed it and when she didn’t. Also, lots and lots of prayer. She started with it around age 6 or 7 and was off all inhalers by around age 9 or 10. She hasn’t been on one since. But we are also in a dryer climate now too. I’ve always wondered if that helped. I pray for healing and direction with Samuel.
My asthma/allergy specialist I went to as a teen told me that most kids who are diagnosed with asthma grow out of it by the time they are teenagers. He said if you continue to have problems as a teen then it is likely to last your whole life. I would suggest talking to a specialist, because they can do so much more. The doctor may be able to put Samuel on a pill for asthma. I took Singular for several years and it worked well. With singular I hardly ever had to use my rescue inhaler. A specialist can also figure out if there are any environmental triggers (allergies) causing the asthma symptoms to get worse.
My now five-year-old daughter has had lung/asthma issues since she was less than a year old. She started using a maintenance inhaler (Flovent) using a spacer/mask combination when she was tiny (probably only about 12 lbs). All of her doctors prefer using an inhaler over the nebulizer for maintenance meds. It’s a lot easier and less time consuming, too.
hi Rachel,
My daughter has asthma and it was really BAD when she was 1, 2, and 3 years old. She had a comprimised immune system and really bad reflux that was aggrevating it so she was on nebulizers every 4 hours around the clock for years.
As she got older, her need for it gradually diminished with each passing year until she only used it with colds.
Now she is 9 and even gets colds and doesn’t need it….or maybe should I say hasn’t needed it for colds in awhile (don’t want to jinx us!) ; )
Now I didnt have it as a kid but have it now. Mine is getting worse with age, but it could have something to do with everything else in my body getting worse too. : (
But for sweet little Samuel, I would use what helps him and hope that he too gets better as he gets older and stronger.
Oh, Rachel, my mom heart feels for you… 2 of our girls have some pretty serious asthma issues, w/multiple hospitalizations for pneumonias. I’ve sat up many a night giving multiple nebs, and watching the stats on the pulse oximeter…
I sincerely pray that things don’t get too bad for you guys, especially your precious little guy!!
If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me!
Have a blessed weekend!