Thanks to the amazing world of auto-publish I am still posting my miscellany monday post. For those of you wondering why that’s a big deal here’s why.
1 – I am scheduled to have shoulder surgery today at 8:15am. So if you are reading this entry and it is, oh anytime, between 7am CST (when they start prepping me) till about 10:30am CST (when I should be done with the surgery and in recovery) please stop right now and say a little prayer for me. Please?

2 – Originally I thought my surgery was only going to be about 1hour15minutes. When the pre-op nurse called to tell me the times and it was longer I might have panicked. Slightly. After three phone calls {one to my mother, of course} and several conversations I did get it squared away that yes, that’s how long the surgery is set to be. And who says I overreact?
3 – My surgery is set to be at the same Orthopedic Center where Hannah had surgery last Wednesday. When the staff found out that I was coming they were chuckling at me as I scoped out the place. Yes, yes, I did. And I also told Hannah’s post-op nurse, who I liked a great deal, to come find me on Monday morning. Come Tuesday morning I’ll be reading this stack of books next to my bed. Half came from Relevant. 🙂
4 – So yesterday I did some last minute prep work around the house. Laundry, and cleaning, and blog writing and more. And I did hang the Christmas lights outside. I think my neighbors might have thought that I was a bit crazy. Here it had just snowed and it was cold and I was stringing lights. Well, that and the fact that it is supposed to be warm next weekend — which is when I, and everyone else, should probably be hanging those Christmas lights.
5 – Speaking of lights — I spent a good hour trying to save some of those 100 count white lights. They, of course, decided to NOT light so I did the first logical thing. I shook the strand as hard as I could. Then I looked to see if there were any missing bulbs. After checking that I shook the strand again. Then in one last desperate attempt I stood up and shook the strand even harder. Defeat. 100 count strands of light meet the garbage. Ha ha ha.
6 – In the morning I followed Brennan around the yard and snapped some pictures of him playing in the snow. The first snow is so great. When it snows like this in March my kids all moan and groan. This time? In November? They couldn’t get enough of outside time. All perspective.
7 – Tomorrow I have an awesome giveaway planned. It’s for the cookbook – Living Gluten Free and Dairy Free with French Gourmet Food by Chef Alain Braux. It is the BEST cookbook/guide I have ever read explaining Celiac Disease and Gluten Allergies. Make sure to come back tomorrow — you’ll be able to see pics of some yummy things that I made. And you’ll be able to try out my new giveaway entry thingy – rafflecopter. 🙂
8 – The ABC of Thanks Year 2 will be going live on Wednesday. For those of you that remember — last year I started a simple link up of thanks using the ABC’s as a starting point. I’ll be putting it back up on Wednesday. It’s really easy to do: simply write a list using all the letters and then write one thing you’re thankful for that starts with that letter. Here are the first 4 letters of mine along with a preview of the button you can grab on Wednesday:

B – BOGO’s at the coffee shop. Actually, BOGO’s anytime and almost anywhere. 🙂
C – Chef Alain’s Gluten Free Cookbook (click here to enter to win it)
D – Dancing daughters who love ballet.
I think that’s it. Thanks for the prayers and support over the past months. I’m grateful. And make sure to come back tomorrow to enter the giveaway and then on Wednesday to link up your ABC’s of Thanks.
Oh, and please check out my post at Hip Homeschool Mom’s called Cultivating Intentional Gratitude!
linking up with my sweet sweet friend Carissa.

LOVE your pictures and am thankful for the weekend you enjoyed with your family. Sending up pryares for you today!!!
I see He Heard Hannah in your pile of books! As Lynnette’s Momma I am thrilled to see it there…and I hope you will be greatly blessed as you read it!
I have prayed for you this morning. I pray the surgery goes well. You are going to be fine since all of these prayers are going up on your behalf sweet lady!
God Bless You!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
You must be in surgery right now. Thinking of you 🙂
Praying for you right now!! Love your link up idea 🙂
Grateful for you, your sweetness, thoughtfulness, and kindness.
Prayed for you yesterday and just now! I think you’re covered! ; ) I’m really excited about you not having to deal with shoulder pain any longer. And I hope your recovery is smooth. Glad you have so many wonderful books to keep you company.
Girl, I don’t know how you do it! Giveaways, writing posts for other blogs and an extra link-up all in the week of your surgery! I’m lucky if I get three posts done in a week. Haha!
Can’t wait to put up Christmas lights. Love the festivities! It’s the most wonderful time of year, indeed!!!
Love, hugs, and prayers for you!!!
Busy lady! Praying the surgery goes well and recovery is quick!
I love the first snow fall and even the 100th. 🙂 Looks like Brennan had fun frolicking in the fresh snow.
Praying for a successful surgery and wondering if you have checked out the book Wheat Belly. Very interesting info about how wheat has changed – many more chromosomes and proteins than it used to have, and not good for anyone apparently!
I am praying for you right now and hoping everything goes well….love your stack of books, so many of them are SO good! I hope Hannah is doing well too. And love the ABC’s…I dont remember that from last year. I will definitely do that this year! Happy Thanksgiving…xoxo
I prayed for you today. I love how sweet you are to prepare your home for your surgery. I love the pictures that Hannah took of the lights…I can’t wait to put ours up. Hope you get lots of rest and get to dive into that pile of books 🙂
Rachel, I’m praying for you. You should be long out of surgery, and on your way to recovery. Blesings,
Praying 🙂
Love the Christmas lights and the bokeh! So pretty
Sending up prayers for comfort and healing, as I’m sure you’re way past surgery and onto recovery now. Love your ABC’s thankful idea! (((HUGS)))
Thought of you and prayed for you several times today. Praying all is well. I can’t wait to hear.
You are like a human dynamo! My goodness, I have no idea how you do all that you do.
Praying for a speedy recovery!
Praying for a great recovery!!! (And Heart of Anger is one of the best, and most convicting, parenting books out there! I read it 6 kids ago, and need to do so again….)
Hopefully right now you’re at your parents recovering and getting some sleep without nurses coming in every 5 minutes to see how you are and getting mad at you for not sleeping. Tomorrow you’ll wake up and oh how I pray that you’ll feel so much better! Praying so hard for you right now!
Isaiah 25:4 For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.
Prayer Bears
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I sure hope you are doing good following your surgery! Have a great Thanksgiving!