Spring has come.
Along with that comes buds popping, birds returning, grass growing, and mud.
Kay, at Heart and Soul Pursuits, started a new project called Inspire Me. A couple weeks ago she contacted me asking if I could write about specific ways in which I live — destined, devoted or daring — and how. Honestly, I really believe that life is a collection of all three each ebbing and flowing creating each day. That being said, right now, in my journey, I’ve been focused on the idea of devoted.
Devoted to finding joy.
Devoted to my family.
Devoted to embracing who God made me to be.
You see, I struggle with thinking that I’d be better if — if I was better scheduled, or more structured, or I finish an entire curriculum, or my house was like this, or I look like this, or so on. As I gradually begin to listen to these ifs regarding myself I begin to focus on just the mud.
At least it seems like mud to me.
So I’ve been praying. And thinking. And pondering. And starting to recognize that maybe, just maybe, I need to start resting in some of the character traits that I’ve been fighting. These traits are who the Lord designed me as — and that instead of running from what I think is muddy I just need to sit in and embrace it.
Here’s an example: I’ve looked at how I homeschool — without the rigorous box checking and tight daily schedule — and have realized how I’ve fought that part of me for years. I so wanted to fit this mold of what I thought was ideal homeschooling — so sure that that way was the right way and certainly convinced that my way didn’t measure up.
Ever since Samuel got sick with Celiac Disease this winter, God has used that challenging situation to challenge me. I’ve begun to look at myself and our homeschooling philosophy as no longer muddy, but unique, designed for our family and for our lives. We find joy and beauty and life in it — from choosing to utilize a sunny day and work in the garden and save math for the days of rain or snow or in making lunch together at 1:30 pm instead of 12 noon sharp or in letting my kids read and read and read and read and forgetting the schedule for the morning.
Or letting them play in the mud. Being creative. Kids.
God designed me. I’ve become determined to embrace and devote myself to becoming who HE wants me to be — not who I think I should be or who I think others think I should be or who the world says I should be — but the wife, mother, daughter, friend that is what Christ wants.
And sometimes, just sometimes, that discovery means being okay in the mud.
Because even mud is beautiful.
My challenge to you? Start looking and praying about the muddy places. Maybe, just maybe, those things that we don’t like are exactly how we’re meant to be.

good point, rachel. i often wish i was more like so and so or that i didn’t have certain challenges in my life… but really, they’re designed just for us… to make us look more like Him!
Left a comment for you at Heart and Soul. Loved this post.
That looked like some squishy good fun!!!
Know that I’m always here praying!
Psalms 121:3-5 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
Prayer Bears
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Great post! Popped over from heart and soul. May God bless you and your family abundantly.
Thank you for your beautiful post – mud is definitely good fun 🙂
oh, how my kids used to love mud! you
are a very wise mom to let them squish
away. clothes can be given away and
little bodies hosed down, but those
memories will make them (and you!)
smile for a lifetime.
i love your allusion of ‘muddy’ trials and
wonder if we could have played through
some of them instead of resisting so.
Brilliant…and so true. I often need to embrace the way I’m created and wired instead of trying to fit in to a mold that I am not made for. Great post!
My son will never do that. I did a lot when I was a child and had tons of fun.
Mud looks beautiful alright
looks like they had a blast!
thank you for the sweet comment on my blog.
So appreciate you linking up and connecting with the heart of this project – you are definitely living a very inspiring life 🙂
What a beautiful post and SO true 🙂 I hope it is okay I linked to this post. So thankful for your words and HIs working in your life.
God bless,
I so appreciate this post! We have decided to homeschool our children–at least for the next year or two. I put a lot of pressure on myself to get things (ie: schedules, clutter, time management, meal planning) in order before I can begin this big adventure with my children. But, these are things I have always struggled with and I am always fighting tirelessly to change, and maybe as you say ‘this is exactly how I am meant to be’. I am certain that God can use me to educate my children despite my “weaknesses”. …I think I feel a new blog coming on. 🙂 haha!!
What an excellent post!
I am the list checking homeschool mom who thinks life would be better *if* we spent days reading and reading and reading and saved math for rainy days, but I can’t get myself to do that.
I completely relate to feeling that I would be better “IF” I am going to focus on this devotion today.
I rather tend to be a control freak but my husband and son are laid back. I’m trying to learn to be patient and not to be such a nag! Patsy from
wonderful and inspiring post. It made me think..it made me stop and really think about my ” mud” and well embracing the muddiness..instead of creating stress and unhappiness..turn mud to happiness in some small way and a masterpiece will be born..
– KAT –