Just a peek at this week’s
favorite things
you know, the little moments of joy
sprinkled within the busy days
of being a mom
in the midst of life

landscape timbers
that are excellent for jumping
on those warm days in early April
when you dump out your ice cubes
from your water
and you just want to jump
a brother to rest on
how can you not love this picture
of Samuel
taking a quick rest on his brother Elijah’s shoulder?
so sweet for their momma’s heart
to line up
that Grandma pulls out for
little boys to play with on Sunday when they visit
Easter centerpieces
made by my amazing sister
for their church
and then brought to my parents
for us to enjoy
while we gathered around the table
my attempts at a new profile pic
I’ve had the black and white one for so long
{and it’s on all my business cards}
so I’m trying to get a new one
but I just can’t stay serious or smile
without getting silly
blowing candles
we celebrated Grace Eva’s birthday
on Easter Sunday
I love love love these pictures
watch Samuel behind Grace
his expression is priceless
those are my mothers
{of course}
mine are not nearly that tall
and they haven’t even opened
so grateful to garden in the spring
so grateful to garden in the spring
blowing bubbles
how can these shots of Caleb be any sweeter
such a favorite thing
a favorite moment
from this week.

Want to join Friday Favorite Things?
1: Write your own favorites {or link a fave post/pic}
2: Grab the button and add it {or a link} to your post.
3: Link up below and comment on those around and build community.
Thanks for sharing your faves!
It’s crazy how we celebrate so many of life’s beauties together. We had a birthday celebration last weekend, too!!! And those pictures of your sweet girl and boys…awe, melt my heart! BTW…I like that pic of you….silly, fun and sweet!
love those centerpieces! and your mother’s tulips – it’s so nice when they open just in time for Easter!
LOVE those tulips. they are my very favorite. please be sure to post pictures of yours, too. just for me. : )
yeah, brennan blowing bubbles is so so presh. those shots are fantastic.
hope Grace’s birthday was a joy! i somehow know it was.
well, what’s wrong with that as a profile pic??! i think it’s full of fun!
the resurrection garde is beautiful!
What sweet moments 🙂
I’m glad I’m not the only one with a profile picture taking problem. All mine turn out either goofy or weird. Or my head gets cut off. I happen to think the one you got is cute though!
I just started following your blog! Your pictures are beautiful! I love the candle pictures! What a wonderful list of favorite things!
These are lovely pictures! The tulips are so gorgeous and I love the bubble blowing. 🙂
oh it looks like you have had an amazing week! I try to take selfies too and always – silly goofy, tons of NOT working shots! good luck getting the perfect one!
Thanks for the beautiful post — especially the tulips!
Love in Him,
I love these photo’s!! beautiful..that one of you is so cute!
Rachel, I love your posts because they are always truthful, yet real and encouraging. Thank you for sharing the journey of your life with us. And those Easter centerpieces are the cutest things I’ve ever seen!
Beautiful Easter centerpieces! So moving, and perfect for Easter festivities! 🙂 Happy Friday!
What a lovely post. I love the pics you included with your favorite things.
LOVE the centerpieces – saw them on pinterest and fully intended to make them. And then reality hit, and I knew there was no point in trying 🙂
Rachel, I love all the pictures and how I feel like I was there to enjoy these special moments with you and yours. Blessings, Nona
LOVe all the pics…blowing bubbles is one of the simple pleasures of life 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂
What is this of you and South Carolina????
You have such a precious family! I LOVE your photos. Thanks for sharing.