{remember how we had construction trucks in front of the house?}

so does this picture of my fabulous Gracie
taken by hannah
{which I just happened to stumble upon again…forgot how much I love it}
as you know, i love that fresh summer corn
Just watch for my giveaway post coming next week.
By the way thanks for the nominations for the AOP Social Media Awards
if you’d like to vote for me in photography and inspirational — and spread the word
{make sure to open link in a new tab — you got to finish reading my faves and leave a comment!}
click here
Friday Favorite Things is so much about remembering and unearthing those
weekly loves and
And being grateful.
It’s so great to see that sweet baby growing! Have a great weekend. Just linked up!
So many things I luv..first, your kids are beautiful. Luv the pic of your girl and that chair, oh my. The vacuum cleaner..whew can’t wait til’ that giveaway. And the metal pic is so pretty to. 🙂
Love the pics of your kids – how adorable 🙂 What a wonderful list of blessings – and a new vaccuum to boot??! Woohoo!
Those pictures are great ..I love the chair and her little face- priceless! Have a wonderful friday!
I remember when you were tweeting about the vacuum—how awesome!!!!!
I love, love, love your photos and Hannah’s photos! I so want to take a vintage chair outside and photograph my girls.
Oh and your little guy with the watermelon is just priceless–they do grow so fast!! It’s so sweet to “meet” other moms who savor these moments.
Happy 4th to your sweet Elijah!
And, mmmmmmm, enjoy those corn husks (and what’s inside). We have no sweet corn down here and miss it terribly…. 🙂
All of your kids are so beautiful Rachel and I love seeing the wonderful pictures you and Hannah take of them. They are stunning.
I love what your Friday Favorites linky is all about, has really helped me recognize all my blessings.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
Beautiful list and post. And I am definitely looking forward to that review & giveaway. 🙂
First, please tell Miss Hannah that I think she has SUCH talent! Not everyone can capture moments like she does (hey whatever happened with her lens?). Yeah for a quiet week…we all could use a few of those. Samuel is just growing so fast and I love to see him eating…gaining strength! And him reading is just priceless…I love a book worm. Ooh Oreck…I’ll have to look for that because I’m in need of a GOOD vacuum.
your blog FEELS peaceful! seriously 🙂 love it!
following you on here and on twitter now!
I love that sweet Samuel can eat and eat and eat those fresh veggies and fruit!!!!!
This house NEEDS a new vaccuum. I will SO be looking out for that post!
Blessings on you this weekend!
wonderful simplicity! glad your little guy is doing so well now 🙂
As always, love your kid pictures. And “Yay!” for a slow-ish week. Those are needed in the midst of chaoticness! I’m pretty excited for your vacuum giveaway as well. Can’t wait to hear how the new vacuum works for you!
The little boy eating the watermelon is so cute! 🙂 Great pictures, btw. 😉
Love the pic of Samuel eating watermelon and the one of him reading. It’s amazing the difference in his eyes from pictures just a few months ago. He looks so much healthier.
My 9 month old loves to go into our baskets of board books and flip through them. My 4 year old is quite the reader too. Momma’s boys 🙂
Fun!! Samuel looks like he’s putting on some weight! Wonderful!
Nothing is better than running through the sprinkler on hot summer days. I just started reading your blog. I loved reading your story. My husband is also a cancer survivor: stage 3 melanoma. I get where you write about dealing with the struggles God gives you. I have lupus and our oldest son has Aspergers. Glad to be following!
cucumbers don’t last long at our house too! and I’ll be watching for that oreck giveaway!
I’m so glad you get to review the vacuum! I don’t think anyone other than a mom to seven deserves it more!!!
And I’m still stunned by that Gracie girl picture. It’s so gorgeous. Wow – you have to be so proud of those precious girls of yours.
Oh your boys are hands-down so handsome. Great shots!
Congrats on your award noms. You better win or they’ll have to deal with me. ; ) I better go vote!
Hope the birthday boy has a wonderful celebration tomorrow.
Love ya Martins!
Your daughter is an amazing photographer. I can only imagine what she will be capable of.
Love your favorites. 🙂 Who could ever resist a shot of such a sweet little guy reading a book? Seeing my kids reading has always been one of my favorite things, too. 🙂
And happy birthday to your Elijah!
Your children are as beautiful as their mother! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous little peeks into your life.
An Orek vacuum? Wow! That’s so great! I was just grumbling at my awful monstrosity. I hope it’s as great as I imagine an Orek Vacuum must be!
I’m stopping by from the crew hop. I already follow you in every way I can. I love your blog. 🙂 Thanks for linking up.
A wonderful list of favorites and Happy Birthday to your sweet big boy! I am late on adding this but I always say “better late than never!” : )