I will be there.
I will be there in the tired.
I will be there in the good.
I will be there when you mess up.
I will be there when you are amazing.
I will be there when the tears run.
I will be there when life isn’t fair.
I will be there when I don’t have the answers.
I will be there when my heart hurts.
I will be there for you.
I will be there when you are mad.
I will be there when you think I’m the worst.
I will be there when I’m the best.
I will be there cheering you on.
I will be there in the stand waiting for you to catch my eye.
I will be there standing behind closed doors.
I will be there sitting in offices.
I will be there waiting for you to return.
I will be there laughing together.
I will be there when your heart aches.

I will be there day after day.
I will be there holiday after holiday.
I will be there and will love you deeply.
I will be there and will feel my heart letting go.
I will be there to see you grow.
I will be there to let you go.
I will be there.
I won’t be perfect.
I won’t always have the answers.
I won’t always have patience.
I won’t not worry.
But I will be there.
I will show up.
I will give.
I will love.
I will try.
Sweet children.
I will be there.
(whose oldest will be 25 and whose youngest, pictured above, is now eleven….)
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Teach me your ways, and 29 years old and I’m pregnant with my first child. Not too sure where the dad is, and I feel so alone. Some days I feel like I won’t be able to be a mother, then there’s other days when I feel strong and feel like I can do this. I am due in March sometime, I’m terrified. I need some tips on how to get rid of this fear and turn it into fire.
Just awesome💕
Perfect, as usual, dear Rachel. Thank you for always writing what’s in my heart!!