Yep. It’s that day of the week again. Monday — a day where I write with just a touch of randomness. So hold on, here we go…
1} Our church took part in a community worship service in the middle of town. Loved standing in the midst of believers and singing praises to our Savior. My sweet friends, Amy and Julie,who went to Hilton Head with me were there. It’s an amazing blessing to have dear friends attend the same church as me — to share our faith and our life journey together. That sweet picture below is Julie and me – in South Carolina – four weeks ago. {can you believe it’s been that long?}
2} Is this tacky or what? They had those blow-up jumpy slide thingies for kids to play on at the festival where our community service was located. I was at our grocery store and saw them blow this one up. Seriously? They thought it would be cool to recreate the Titanic sinking? And then let the kids slide down it? To me? No taste. I’m just saying. And how do you promo it to the kids — let’s go slide down a sinking ship, okay guys? I’ll explain the history later — Sigh.
3} History for the fall. I’m thinking we’re going to study American History this year. Every couple of years we loop around and come back to American History. Then we’ll be eating Johnny cakes and corn meal mush and creating different flags and singing patriotic songs. I love these years. And I love reading how our Founding Father’s had a heart for the Lord. Inspiring. And convicting.
4} Most of this weekend I was down in my office and family room going through our homeschool books. That takes work. Good work as I found a great deal that I can reuse with my kids. And I found some work that the kids had done in years past. Love this stuff. Learning. Life. Memories love them — just look at my little Gracie and Chloe when Gracie went through the book (2years ago) that Brennan will be using this year.
5} Totally random. But, I’m loving Seattle’s Best Iced Coffee. That I buy at the grocery store. When I drive by that inflated ship that I think is tacky. But, I’m drinking it now while I sit on my deck with the green and white striped umbrella up, and the cicadas (is that right? do we have those in minnesota?) making their late summer hum while I try to ignore the grass that needs to be mowed. By the way, do you see my shadow in the netbook screen? Yep, that’s me. Writing on the deck.
6} Mason Jar. Yes, I’m drinking my coffee in a mason jar. And, yes, I started using these as glasses before it became trendy. I’d like to think I’m a trend setter. But, no, it’s because I was too cheap to ever replace my glasses that broke and I just started reusing the jars that had wonderful canned goods in them.

7} Printer ink costs an arm and a leg. Went to buy some on Friday. $67 for ink. After I lifted my jaw off the ground I looked around and grabbed a new printer/scanner with two packages of ink for $42 (half price sale). So take that overpriced printer ink. I’ll just get a new – and better- printer. Anyone out there want an old printer/scanner/fax for free?All you’ll need to do is buy some ink….j/kidding.
8} We’re going to end on eight totally random facts today. However, homeschool readers, I’ve got a question for you — what are you studying for history this year? Just curious if there are any other American History plans out there. Could make for a fun link-up at some time. We’ll see….any interest out there? While you’re thinking I’m off to get myself one of these…little vanilla lattes…
Have the most wonderful Monday. Head on over to my lovely friend carissa’s blog and link your own miscellany right on up.

Your comments on the Titanic slide cracked me up. I find a lot of kids things tacky, or distasteful, or inappropriate, and have to just bite my tongue sometimes because the kids themselves don’t know there’s anything wrong with it. Celia looks at those things in a completely innocent way and takes them at face value. You know? I could write a whole post on that topic… how it’s such a responsibility to have kids trusting us so fully and taking things at face value, and how to know when they’re old enough or when it’s appropriate to intervene and start explaining these things to them.
We love drinking out of mason jars too. The Titanic slide does seem odd.
oh my goodness! i can’t believe someone thought about the titanic as a fun slide for kids! that’s so weird! i love the starbucks fraps in the bottles, so i will have to try the seatles best…after i have this little girl and will drink caffeine again.
happy monday to you!
Look at you starting your Monday morning all bright and early! -Making for a Vanilla latte day, indeed!
American history is my favorite kind… In college I took The American Presidency as a course and it was my favorite part of my favorite type of history. And now I have a degree in Political Science sitting in my closet. It kind of makes me laugh… If I homeschool, my kids will be well versed in politics. Maybe I better send them to private school! Haha.
It’s so precious to see the books get passed down from one kiddo to the next. I’d never be able to get rod of those learning books! Too many memories along with a very full bookshelf.
I’m not sure I’ve told you before, but I can’t handle coffee… Whether decaf or regular, it does something mean to my stomach. So please enjoy it for me! : )
Oh yeah, that Titanic blow up seems so wrong!
You and Julie are such beauties. That’s a sweet and pretty picture! I’m happy to know you have such amazing friends up there.
Hugs and love!
It should say rid not rod. Auto correct is only sometimes my friend.
Okay yes I agree..the Titanic sinking is a little tacky! ha! Love that your drinking your coffee out of a mason jar..Greta photos! Glad you had a lovely weekend
I can only imagine how rewarding it must be to homeschool your kids and truly be such a huge part of their lives…priceless. While I do not homeschool, I do want to take on more involvement in my sons’ religious education. Kelley from Kelley & Kids (pretty sure you follow her too) gave me some good suggestions but I will pose the same question to you…any tips or favorite books/sites to use for teaching Pre-Kish bible lessons?
Have a great rest of your Monday!
We don’t drink from Mason jars, only because I need to keep them nice for making jam. 🙂 The glasses I buy at Wal-Mart are cheaper than mason jars.
My 9th grader is doing American History with the Sonlight curriculum. My younger kids are still working through World History. A year from now we should be back to American History with the young ones.
Laurel 🙂
What a sadistic bounce house! Must have been made when the movie was toping the charts.
American History has to be so fun to teach… so many places you can visit, things to do and ways to make it real.
Seriously, the Titanic bouncy is beyond tacky. People.
Anyway, we are doing American History, too. I have a Calvert curriculum that I use (but supplement it with ALOT of online things). I like doing American History with the young ones because they seem to be able to relate to it more (hearing names of states they’ve visited, people they’ve heard of). We’ll attack the far-off things later on.
ok, yeah, the titanic thing is way tacky. wow. lol and I love Seattle’s best coffee!
do you use My Father’s World?
The sinking Titanic… wow. Let’s celebrate? Thinking is optional these days.
We are headed for the Middle Ages this year with Michelle Miller’s TruthQuest History guides ~ LOVE it/them/her! 😀
But we had a quick glimpse of 1861 this weekend at a re-enactment near Springfield, MO. But you couldn’t possibly have GUNS in a national park, so it was just up the creek from the actual battlefield. Wilson’s Creek/Ten Oaks, in case you’re wondering… And the Confederates won, but ‘failed to capitalize on the victory.’ :- It was sorta our substitute for an American History Tour of the east coast… {sigh}
Love the very funny, albeit tacky, Titanic slide. Thanks for sharing!
Also love Seattle’s Best Coffee in various forms and am in mourning over Border’s closing. I guess my coffee will have to always come from the grocery store from now on. 🙁
we have totally done the buy the printer instead of the ink thing…it seems so wasteful but WHY oh WHY do the ink refills cost SO MUCH?!
If you are studying American History, you NEED this book! It’s short, readable, bios of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Written by a friend of ours with a passion for America and History, thes is a great read-aloud to go along w/ your history curric.
And I agree, sinking titanic slide = totally tasteless.
And, I have NO IDEA what we’re doing for history… yet.
Hate to break it to you, but the ink you got with your printer probably isn’t as big a cartridge as the ink you could have purchased. I know, it’s a total scam. I’ve done the same thing, though. Ink too expensive? Just replace the whole printer!
We’re doing an overview of American history/geography this year. We were blessed with the chance to borrow Adventures in MFW from a friend. I ordered the student packets, and we were set! We started it today, and I’m very excited.
A sinking Titanic? Not cool. Tacky, tacky
you are too cute. I love your random thoughts…they make me laugh. and ps I love that you drink out of mason jars. I like being a follower sometimes, so I think I want to do this too 🙂
Seattle’s Best is kind of the best coffee in the world. I don’t blame you for the iced coffee addiction! It’s SO good! And, I am decorating my new apartment right now and LOVIN’ mason jars! They’re so handy – a must have for anyone 🙂
i love history! any history, really, but american history is one of my favorites. i remember from studying it in eighth grade – that was seven years ago; i cannot believe it – that francis marion was called the swamp fox because he was so skilled at evading his british enemies. probably one of the most pointless facts to remember… unless i’m ever on jeopardy or something. haha.
So if I’d drink Seattle’s Best here, would it be fresher? Somehow I doubt it…
These words are some of the first Scripture ever written. What comfort these words give! Praying!
Job 19:25-27 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.
Prayer Bears
My email address
I’m doing American History and SO excited! I love it. 🙂
I LOVE masto jars and love how you use it!
We are doing Story of the World Ancients for history but would love to do American History someday! We dipped our feet in it (me and Chelsea) by reading through all the historical fiction American Girl books and did projects with each of them–it was fun….it took us from the rev war to now. : )
Is that My Father’s World in the picture? We did that in 1st grade–loved it.
Hope you have a great school year–I am rather stressed that it snuck up on me so soon!!!!
i am so tired and sick right now that i can barely hit the right keys so sorry for saying “masto jars” instead of mason jars! I guess i have my disease on my mind….ha!
i buy a new printer every time mine runs out of ink. It costs less, so why not?