what I saw all morning
Note: I wrote this 8 hours ago. In that span of time I’ve spent 3 hours working on my garage sale prep, made lunch, defrosted the freezer, emptied the deep-freeze, read a couple of books to the kiddos, gone to the ballet studio–twice, solved several “fights”, picked some weeds, did two loads of laundry, organized a corner of my garage, rocked a baby, checked three times to see if blogger was up, tidied my living room, and…hmmmm…maybe it’s a good thing blogger was down. Look what I got done in that time!
This is a unique Miscellany Monday. Blogger is down. I’ve checked several times, and alas, there is no operating blogger. At least for me. So this morning I’ve decided to compose my miscellany post on Word. We’ll see how this goes.
1) Carissa amazes me. Posting in the hospital. She’s an official “super multi-tasker”—aka mom.
2) 2) My boys, if they could get away with it, would wander around the house carrying just the inner bag of cereal. The box would be abandoned on the floor, and they would be quite content with the chalky-clear bag of goodness.
put that bag back!
3)To make enough scrambled eggs for my family I need to use at least 20 eggs.
4) I love my electric griddle. When I’m making scrambled eggs (#3) I can use the griddle to make pancakes. It can whip up 8 at a time—depending on the size.
5) I stink at making letters on the griddle. If my kids want their initial they better watch out. The e looks like a c, the b like a blob, and there’s no way I’m attempting the g. I can make an h for Hannah.
6) I’ve been reading the book of Colossians. Since it’s right after Philippians (which is pretty much my life book) I figured I better check it out again. I’ve come across several verses that are speaking to me right now. Watch out—I’m thinking they deserve a blog post later this week. The verse I loved today?
Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsider, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
(Colossians 4:5-6)
7) A constant phrase that I utter in our home is – We are not the yelling family. In our home we speak with kind and pleasant tones. Can you tell what kind of morning it’s already been? (note: it got much better)
8) I wish blogger was up. I don’t know if this post will transfer right. Then I’ll spend too much time editing the post. (note–it did not transfer right. note#2–do not use word blog as it does not transfer.So, yes, it did take time. Oh well–you’re all worth it!)
my post–ready at 7am
9) I think I want to do 10 miscellany facts so number 9 is just inserted to get me to ten.
10) Hannah’s Happy Birthday sign is still hanging over our sliding door in the kitchen. I decorate our kitchen and the kid’s doorways for their birthdays. I started doing this when Hannah turned three. The night before their birthday I go around decorating so that when they wake up the home is full of celebration. Todd jokes that perhaps I should just keep everything up – being that we have a birthday almost every single month. Who knows? Maybe that sign might just stay. 🙂
the forever sign
Have a wonderful Monday. Here the sky is vibrant blue, the grass a Kelly green, and the air crisp. My favorite kind of day. May your day be filled with the closeness of our loving Father.

I am so glad I’m not the only one who was getting that message ALL morning!!! I kept seeing other people posting and couldn’t understand why blogger was against me!! : )
Philippians is my absolute favorite as well!
Have a blessed day!
Love that Bible verse! I am going to have to write that one down and memorize it.
As for the rest… you have worn me out just by reading what you’ve accomplished today- and I had felt pretty good about what I got done until just now! 😉
Ugggghhhh. Wasn’t that annoying message, well, so annoying! It bothered me so much!!!
Great Miscellany Monday–love the bible verse!
my blogger was down all morning too! I also used Word to type out two posts. Funny how that one thing can make me so cranky!
We don’t eat eggs here. If my son wants a scrambled egg, I do one in the microwave!:)
I love my griddle too! Crazy how many eggs it takes to feed your family! Good randomness!
Happy Mis Monday!
I’m sorry you’ve been having Blogger troubles, Rachel! I haven’t had any problems, thankfully. I enjoyed your post, even if it was a little later than you wanted. Thanks for persevering and posting it for us. I always enjoy your random. 🙂
Happy Monday!!
~ Lindsay <3
What a lovely Bible verse.
I love the idea of having the house full of celebration!!!
Found you through Misc. M. =)
I am sorry to hear Blogger was down. I have heard that happens from time to time. How frustrating! You certainly made great use of your time. My kids love to eat their cereal in a bowl without milk. But I try and only buy healthy cereal now as a way to deter that interest. OMG, 20 eggs! Do you own chickens? I think you do, if you not you should! I think I need to adopt #7. All it seems like we’ve been doing around here is raising our voices. Ugh. What a beautiful birthday tradition you have for your children. Blessings my friend!
20 EGGS!!??
That’s an impressive stat. : )
I’m with ya on blogger. UGH!! So behind now. I think I need to start saying that here too.. we are not the yelling family…
I love that verse! and I would love to read a post on your thoughts on Colossians, if you do put one up :]
I understand your frustration, Rachel. My computer has stopped me from posting before as well – except mine sometimes shuts down the whole internet. 🙁 I’m glad you were finally able to post. Your miscellanies are very funny!
(Note: Remember the “Happy Birthday” banner that you said is staying up past Hannah’s birthday? The same thing happens in our house, too… 🙂
Love in Christ,
I love the idea of decorating for the kids birthdays! Mine would LOVE it.
Glad you were able to post this for I thoroughly enjoyed it! So your boys do the cereal bag thing too? Okay, mine don’t anymore, they’ve moved out (they’re 26 & 28) but they might do it at their own homes now:)
Blessings for your week,
I always have blogger issues and have boasted several times that blogger hates me. But today, I think I was the only one that didn’t have blogger issues. So weird! Loved your randoms today! Blessings!
Wow you got a lot done! Sorry you couldn’t transfer everything easily…but glad you transferred it!
Continuing to pray!
Psalms 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Prayer Bears
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Your miscellany is great! Made me smile and laugh! My brothers use to walk around with only the clear bag of cereal too! I dont get it! My mom has always used a griddle. I love using it to make pancakes!!
Your life and energy amaze me. I cannot imagine doing all you do with 7 children. I’m loving all your miscellany today 🙂
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