Dear Friday Favorite Things,
I decided to write you as letters again.
Thank you for making me laugh,
and making me be grateful,
and helping me find joy.
I decided to write you as letters again.
Thank you for making me laugh,
and making me be grateful,
and helping me find joy.

Dear UPS man,
Please stop getting my hopes up
when you slow down and stop in front of my house
and then proceed to go to my neighbors.
Dear Truth in the Tinsel e-book,
Thank you for being an awesome resource.
I love the crafts
and how you make Advent focus on Jesus
{unlike the retail world}
My kids had so much fun today.
and how you make Advent focus on Jesus
{unlike the retail world}
My kids had so much fun today.

Dear Readers of mine who are looking at the awesome crafts
that we made with the help of the Truth in the Tinsel book,
You need to think about getting this book.
It’s worth it.
And yes, I must disclose that I am an affiliate
{because that’s the law for blogs}
but even if I wasn’t I’d still be promoting this awesome book just the same.
So here’s the link:
So here’s the link:

Dear Left Arm,
I really would like you to gain your strength back.
I think it’s great that you’ve kept most of your range of motion,
but you know, it would be much better if I could actually pick things up again.
You know, like my coffee cup.
Dear my silly sense of humor,
Sometimes I am grateful that the Lord gave you to me.
It makes the hard days a bit better.
Dear Parcheesi game,
Thank you for providing hours of entertainment
for my family and for
quickly teaching Caleb how to add.
Dear Readers,
Thank you for every kind comment,
sweet email,
and encouraging tweet or facebook entry.
You bless me and I want you to know that.
Dear Christmas lights and decorations outside,
I am really, really, really, really
{did I say really}
Dear front door,
In the fall I was grateful because you matched the leaves.
Now, once again, you match the season.
Well, done rust color red paint that I so
carefully picked out at Lowes.
Now, once again, you match the season.
Well, done rust color red paint that I so
carefully picked out at Lowes.
Dear Friday Favorite Things,
Thank you for making me think about my week.
Although, now I think you need a new button.
More wintery or something.
Dear Left Arm — again,
I’m getting tired already just typing this up.
I’ll keep doing my therapy.
You just get back to normal
so that I can type a friday favorites post without needing a break
Dear wild and energetic boys,
See, sometimes you can sit still.
Dear Children of Mine,
I love it that you play games in the day
and make Chex Muddy Buddies
{which, you know, are gluten free}
I think that’s it.
Well, I could do end with this…
Dear Pen-gee Samuel,
I just have to share these pics
of you and me reading.
{anyone know what book that is?}
{anyone know what book that is?}
Love them.
Want to join Friday Favorite Things? — simply write a list of your favorite moments from the week {or a favorite picture or post or even little notes like I did today}, grab the button at the beginning of the post, add your link to the link-up, and the visit others who are sharing their own favorites. Blessings to all of you!
Your amaze me at your creativity in writing your posts. Always something new and enjoyable or inspiring. So hope that shoulder starts showing significant improvement. What a tough season to be going through with limited mobility.
Blessings for a wonderful weekend!
Praying for your arm – Arm God says you have a purpose…heal up every cell, we know you have memory, so that means the more your user uses you the more you want to do those same things.
Lovely Photos!!!
Love the Letter format…
Blessings :0)
dear you:
i am also really glad God gave you your silly humor. it reminds me of my silly humor. : )
love, carissa
ps. muddy buddies are so addicting and now i want some and i know i’ll regret it. i only have two kids to share with, which means i’ll end up eating too many!!!
pss. we don’t have a printer; is it still worth it to buy the Tinsel book?
oh how I hate the drive by UPS man taunt as well! lol Loved this post.
I love your sweet letters…what a joy 🙂 Games as a family are such a great time…we need to do it more often. Before you know it your arm with be on the mend and you’ll be back to your old self. Right now, enjoy the snuggles on the couch, reading to your sweet boy. Oh, and I love how your children are such helpers…LOVE 🙂
I love how you post in letter form 🙂 and those pictures of you and Samuel… oh, my goodness, so sweet!
For now I just have a red room, but someday the front door will be read to!
I love your little letters! ive always thought this was such a creative idea 🙂
thanks for sharing
and if you have a minute, id love for you to check out what we’re doing today over on my blog to take a stand against AIDS, its easy and its fun 🙂
Lovely letters & photos! Blessings to you!
Laurie Collett, Saved by Grace
Wonderful post full of so many good things, and quite funny and fun too. I’ve got to remember to link up on fridays with you!
Your posts always make me feel good. You have a gift.
Love your photos! The one that grabbed me the most and caused me to “smile” in agreement was the one of your boys stating, “see you can sit still for a moment!” (not sure if that was your exact words). I have 2 sons and I can relate! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face!
Love your blog and this post! I hope I can link up one of these Fridays. Blessings!
Are you still feeling pain in your arm? I hope that’s tapering off at least.
What a fun post!
Had to laugh, though … as my girls are sitting right next to me playing Parcheesi.
My front door and shutters are just about that same color. Love that it matches the seasons. 🙂
Hope your weekend is BLESSED!
mama of a dozen
ages: 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 22, 24, 26, 27