I saw the kitchen needing work. There were breakfast dishes piled high in the sink, and a floor needing to be swept and mopped, and counters sprinkled with cereal crumbs and smears of jelly. It was late. Our morning jobs — which should be done before nine — hadn’t even been started.
I felt myself getting annoyed.
Didn’t the chores come first? I could feel the aggravation rising as I walked through my half done and not so spotless kitchen. I was ready to get everyone working on what I thought needed to be done.
Until I saw this.

The dirty counter didn’t matter — in fact, it seemed awfully petty all of a sudden. So what that we’re a bit behind schedule. That didn’t matter.
The relationships matter.
The bonds between a 13 year old and her 3 year old brother make life impressions.
Those daily duties? Yeah, they’ll get done, in time. And you know what? That kitchen will get messy again — within the day. But, today, at this moment in the morning, I’m glad — I’m grateful — that my sweet Chloe chose to say “no” to the work and “yes” to her brother. That matters.
Humbled. Again.
Taught by my own.
Oh my, that is so sweet!
A reminder that I needed today too. I love those pics! What a precious moment.
I totally agree! I feel like God has been speaking this to my heart for some time now as I am a clean freak…I can’t help it I love a clean house!! lol. Having a child and a depressed spouse has made it hard to stay on top of thing and God has shown me a little more each day that if I learn to coexist with the messes I don’t stress, get irritated or miss those priceless moments with my daughter. What if I died tomorrow…would i care how my kitchen looked or that I cherished my time with loved ones. Well said! Such wise words! xo
How precious is that!!
I have a hunch that it’s from her momma that Chloe learned to set aside the work and say “yes” to her brother. Just sayin’! 😉
I had a similar moment today. My kitchen sink was literally overflowing with dishes, but I just really wanted to make myself available to my kids. I feel like I’ve been so caught up with MY agenda lately…and I didn’t want another moment to go by without really connecting with my kids. So the dishes stayed and we raced our Hot Wheels cars. That was WAY better than doing dishes!
What a sweet sweet moment. I am realizing that life is too short to worry about life’s chores and enjoy the sweet moments.
That’s what it’s all about…time spent making memories and not worrying about the things that won’t matter years from now. So sweet.
Our children teach us so much. I need to make sure I stop long enough to see what they are trying to teach me. Your children are precious and I am sure give you so much joy!
How absolutely precious!!! Relationships are so important – especially since they’re eternal!!!! Sidenote: Sometimes I get so comfy by myself and then I’m reminded how we were made to be with others! Anyways, your kids are going to be such good friends all their lives.
I love this post and I love that our children can teach us lessons in those little moments.
Who knew kids were such great teachers! I am learning that also day by day 🙂