Resolute. It’s fascinating to me how much a word can shape how one thinks. I’ve only focused on the idea of being resolute for a day and already I can feel this shift in thinking — it’s in those moments where I want to say it will never change or does it really matter or in a minute that I remember that I am striving to be resolute in heart and mind. I’m working on changing those thoughts to hope for the future and it matters and right now.
Wind. I know for the last weeks I’ve been lamenting to you all about how we, up here in Minnesota, have absolutely no snow. Well, on New Year’s Eve that shifted. We had a winter storm {I think it earned that classification due to the initial rain that froze and changed to snow} and we woke up on January 1 to a winter wonderland. A very cold winter wonderland. Yesterday we were experiencing wind gust upwards of 40 mph. With temps below freezing. And that equals cold. Why, oh why, was I ever complaining about 40 degree temps? Samuel? He thought the snow was beautiful.
Wonder. My baby sister gave Samuel this fishtank night light { in the pictures} that he absolutely loves. He’ll stand in his room watching those little faux fish swim on by for long chunks of toddler time. It’s actually very sweet — he still has such a spirit of wonder about him. Innocent. Enthralled by the simplest things. I love that about him, about childhood — which makes me very determined to embrace these years with my children. I’ll remind myself — Be aware, be awake — so that the joy in now can be remembered.
Goals. This year, I’m aiming for simple, reasonable, and fewer goals. I tend to be one of those planner type people that decides that this time we’re changing all of this at once. Then I burn out. For the kids and myself I’m choosing a couple things — one behavior that I want to see changed and one good habit that I want to adopt. I’m just going to keep working on those goals consistently — two at a time, not burning out, and focusing on good.
Routine. I am simply excited about the routine of January. I know, I know, I write about my flexible schedule and all, but even I love the anticipated normalcy that January can bring. Why anticipated? Last January was when Samuel was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and my craving for routine was automatically stopped as I moved from routine to complete survival mode. But, for now, I will be looking forward to spending some intentional time with my children on academics and normal every day things. Besides, with the above mentioned below-zero windchills we probably won’t be outside too much. 😉
Busy. That’s the rest of today. Off to put away all those decorations, plan for January, organize my school supplies, get some groceries, and search for dryers {yes, I said dryers…mine broke…sigh…not good…}. If it wasn’t this ridiculously cold I would just hang those clothes outside. Now, ha ha ha, they’d freeze in an instant. Recommendations?
Carissa. I’m linking with my sweet friend today.

Flexibility and routine can live together quite nicely…I think…and i hope and pray…that’s what I’m looking forward to!!!! LOVE YOUR POST!
Resolute…that about sums up everything! If we all were “resolute” in turning our hearts back to our Maker, what a revolution 2012 would bring about in the homemaking realm!! Bless you, Rachel, as you begin a new year with Him!
i like your word. i think it’s a very Godly one. you are a fantastic example.
i’m so happy you have snow! maybe this means will see colder temps in a few days, i hope!!!
january is going to feel all cozy for you, bundled up inside with lots of learning. it does sound pretty fantastic.
samuel loves that fish tank. i think it’s adorable! i am guessing he could stare at if for hours. we have a beta fish, his name is alpha, and my kids want to feed him constantly. they love the little thing. i just can’t believe he’s been alive for so long – over 18 months! for a beta that is LONG!
boo for a broken dryer! my mom’s washer broke. between the two of you, you could actually get laundry done. ha! we have a whirlpool (it’s 8 years old) and we’ve never had any problems.
have a lovely busy day. happy january and new year.
love ya!!!
ps. the pier was gated so we had to obey the rules. : )
What great pics!
Love the pictures, as always. Love the simple words that mean so much!
Happy New Year!
I really enjoyed this post. I like the simplicity of the word being the “topic” of each paragraph. My favorite part was this, “Be aware, be awake — so that the joy in now can be remembered.” Such a great way to live. And I love the goals you have for yourself, I think you’ll actually be able to accomplish them.
I just found your blog and have to say how impressed I am. I’ve just come in to motherhood this last year and I absolutely love it and it is so inspiring to see you with not one but seven children. There is so much joy to be had in this life so thank you for sharing it 🙂
I really like your approach to your goals for yourself and the kids – much more manageable! And I’m the same as you, throw it all out and change it all at once – but I’m learning :0)
Our dryer’s so old they probably don’t even make that kind anymore…
Lifting up prayers right now!
Matthew 11:28-30: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Prayer Bears
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What great pics!