Flashback time. Back to when the leaves were golds and reds.

Remember in October when I was blessed to attend the Relevant Blogging Conference at the last minute? That conference that led me from my home in Minnesota, on three airplanes, and three states, to a hotel in Pennsylvania? Well, let me tell you, it was by the blessing of the Lord and the generosity of friends and lovely, lovely sponsors. One of them?
You might have notice on my sidebar a very cute little graphic for her fantab-ulous (that’s my new word) e-book 31 Days to Clean. I love love love this book. Why? It because it speaks directly to me, the gal who is running from perfectionism, and puts my heart back into the appropriate places for being a wife, and a mom, and someone who runs a household. Even more, this sweet book doesn’t push me away from the Martha necessities of life, but rather helps me, helps us, find balance in those tasks. Amazing.
Now, I’m telling you that I really do believe this book would make a lovely gift. And I’m serious. Because I’m that person that loves to get things in order in January — tidied, and organized, and planned, and well, perfect. But, I’ve learned that unless my heart is in the right place that all of that above mentioned cleaning will be just for me. In vain. And I’ll still end up discontent. So, this is exactly the kind of book that one must read before the new year.
So, Sarah Mae, thank you. And that’s a big Midwestern, I’m from Minnesooota, type thank you. If you were here I’d give you another hug. I can guarantee you, I’ll be back to Relevant. I mean, how could I not? The friendships that percolated there are life blessings and I thank you for being a part in the process that got me there. For that, I thank you deeply, my friend.
Now, all of my bloggy friends, grab your copy of her book 31 Days to Clean, get some coffee (and some of that wonderful creamer that we talk about all the time on my facebook page), and settle in for some serious blessings in reading. Oh yeah, and a cleaner home and a much more peaceful heart. 🙂
Let me know if you get the book — I’d love to work through it with you. And here’s the deal (please let others know as well!)
Normal price is only $4.99
which is an AMAZING deal!

affiliate disclosure: this post contains an affiliate links. If you click on and purchase I will receive an affiliate commission for recommending this product. Please know that I only recommend products that I love. Federal Trade Commission 16CFR Part 255
Well, I read you blog, and keeping up with my housework is one of my downfalls that really depresses me. So I downloaded your friends book, and I am going to see if it will help ease the burden of the work I have to do to get the look I want.
I bought 31 Days to Clean and enjoyed it. It’s definitely worth half price!
this sounds like a life saver book of sorts! must check it out.
This book sounds like the answer to my prayers:)
Apparently I need to send the link to that book to the DH …
I just gave it to myself as an early Christmas present. 🙂 When do you plan to do the read-along? January? What if I can’t wait that long?!