1} This boy makes me smile. How could he not? Look at that adorable {and yet terribly messy} face.

2} Read labels carefully. Maria (my wonderful neighbor friend) came over with these two containers of single serve Kemps ice cream. One labeled gluten free and one labeled may contain wheat. I discovered that the wheat one was printed in 2009. So, I guess besides reading labels to discover gluten you need to read labels so you don’t end up eating icecream from 2 years ago.That’s kind of gross….
3} Little boys love raspberries. Especially mine. So much that they ate all the raspberries off of my bushes — including the little buds of ones that were hardly even green. So now, the red berries aren’t blooming anymore. However, I do have some yellow berries that are almost ready. They haven’t touched them. I think they don’t think they’re ripe. Shhhhhhhh. Those yellow ones are good.
4} Hannah wrote about it on her blog, but my new favorite drink is tonic and lime. It’s becoming a staple in this home of mine. Kind of an odd drink to learn to love. But, I do. Daily.
5} The wallet. That I left at the grocery store. Yesterday. Can I blame it on the codeine pill that I took the night before? Then, lol, I must be looking older — the bagger came running after me, “ma-am, ma-am you left your wallet.” It’s like being told I look like I’m from the midwest while in the airport at Charleston. 🙂 Again, I’m just wondering what made us look like we were from the midwest? And is that bad? Or just perhaps a compliment?
6} 2weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I left for Hilton Head. It feels like so long ago. I was going through my pictures and came across this new favorite. It’s the sun rising on the last morning I was there. I’m so grateful for that week of rest.
7} TOS Review Crew. I was accepted as a member of The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew (there’s a button on my sidebar). This is a huge blessing — so much of the material that they’re already sending me is material that I needed for the schoolyear. So, be on the lookout, because peppered inbetween blog posts about life and celiac disease and food and being a mom and faith and being silly and hope there will be some wonderful homeschool material reviews. That I’m already praying will bless some of you as well.
8} Friday Favorites. What do you think? Keep going after 20 weeks? I love writing them, and hope that it’s a blessing. I’m just wondering what ya’all (that’s my attempt at my southern drawl) think. And if you love it if you’d help me promote it. A girl loves company, you know!
9} The tan. It’s fading. Oh well. The freckles? They’re staying.
10} Page Views. Due to Carissa’s (my lowercase letters writer and awesome friend) post on when we met she has now become the top referrer to my site. Love her. That popular friend of mine. And now, I’m waiting till we can meet again. Think I can convince her to come north to the either frozen or incredibly hot land of minnesota? Donchaknow…we’re fun up here.
make sure to hop over to lowercase letters to link up your own miscellany. I’ve been doing these for well over a year and just love the absolute randomness in which i can write. And can you believe it? Almost an entire post written with no mention of the shoulder pain. Until now. Almost…..sooooo close.

I love that cute face too!
Gorgeous pictures! Stopping by from miscellany monday.
I love Friday Favorites. I just started 2 weeks ago, you can’t stop now. 🙂 Lol.
I love that picture from Hilton Head. I’ve enjoyed all the pictures you have shared. We go on vacation in one week and you have only made me look forward to it more with your beach photos.
Silly Rachel ~ Invite Carissa up for a gorgeous FALL visit to the heartland. Say early October. We will have fall this year, won’t we?? 😉
That face is most definitely adorable! 🙂
I’ve been trying to keep up with your progress and I sure wish there was some magic potion I could give you to help with the pain. You’re in my thoughts and in my prayers.
That is most definitely gross about the ice cream. Just cuz it’s frozen doesn’t mean it’s still good….
Mmm yellow raspberries? Never tried them but I’ll have to now!
I think I found you before Carissa wrote about your meetup, but it’s nice to re-find bloggers and enjoy their posts 🙂
Have a great Monday and hope the shoulder pain gets better!
love all the pictures! Samuel is too cute.
First time visitor, you have a lovely blog! Stopping over from Misc Monday.
Gross on the outdated ice cream! Come on grocers!! It’s worse that it’s a milk product, yuck. And I’m from the mid-west, it’s not so bad! Actually, it’s not bad at all. 🙂 We used to vacation in Hilton Head, it’s so lovely! You still look a bit tan to those of us who haven’t made it to a beach this year. Just had a baby this June, next year though…
Have a great week!
love the pictures….and i will try the tonic and lime…that sounds great!
first things first… i think you should keep it going. : ) once i’m home, i’ll link up! i tried to last week, but just completely ran out of time.
your freckles are so pretty. wait, you make the freckles pretty. your skin is so young. you are one hot mama!
i want everyone that stumbles on my blog to visit yours. maybe i should have a banner across the top that says: visit rachel’s blog. that’d be awesome.
your review crew opportunity sounds like a definite blessing. i always enjoy reading about the how-to’s and what not’s of the art of homeschooling.
the ice cream?! two year old ice cream should be illegal. it probably is. i went through my grandma’s cupboards and found a betty crocker cake mix that expired in 1978. talk about o-l-d.
raspberries are some of my favorite berries. and i enjoy tonic drinks!!! i want to try yours. hannah’s blog looks amazing. i told her that now i want to change mine up again. : )
you are young and look young. end of story.
oh, and it’s good to look midwestern. really good.
dissertation backatchya. hehehe.
You have as many freckles as I do!!!! Though right now I am tan, they aren’t quite as obvious. My husband loves them : )
And you’re right–Samuel’s face is absolutely scrumptious!
Definitely keep the Friday Favorites Rachel! It has been such a blessing and life changing experience to look for all the joy in the week. Man you really can find a lot when you take a moment to pause and see all God’s wonderful glory that surrounds us on a daily basis 🙂
Keep going…absolutely! I don’t know how anyone could not love that sweet Samuel 🙂 Ice cream from 2009…not OK. Good thing you read the label. I won’t tell about the raspberries…I love them too. I adore your freckles…adore. I’m so grateful that you had that time in HH too…much needed. Hope you’re feeling a little better today.
Congrats on getting on the TOS Review Crew. Trying out new curriculum for free is a blessing indeed!
I’m new here, so have never heard of the Friday Favourites, but I will check it out and perhaps join in.
I think freckles add beauty.
Thanks for visiting my blog! You are very busy with 7 kids! I cant imagine! Love your blog!
Beautiful post! I am looking forward to more 🙂
Oh My Goodness! Can I just say, I LOVE your freckles! I’m so glad they’re staying! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Although I have only linked up a couple of times for Friday Favorites, I love the idea. You should definitely keep them. Happy Monday!!
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John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
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