the freedom to worship
eternal freedom in Christ
my kids biking
like sweet gracie
and gracie and brennan
and, of course, caleb scootering
snow that melts within six hours of falling
that melting snow causing the grass to green even quicker
not having to use this till next winter
{which in Minnesota might come again in October}
{which in Minnesota might come again in October}
prime numbers
(don’t ask me why, but we’ve worked with them in math)
horizon math books for my youngers
saxon math books for my olders
and, I know I’ve mentioned it before, but math solution books
my Gracie and her best friend Belle
being with Gracie as she got her ears pierced
having Hannah document the event
this picture
the first moment Gracie saw her ears
{I love, love, love this image that Hannah captured}
laughing with my kids while playing the wii
having them to convince me to try the funny juggling and balancing game
getting the new record on the wii fit juggling game
my wii fit character — ha ha ha
Easter lunch at my parents
the gluten free Easter lunch that my mother is preparing this year
old Easter photos
like this one from 2007
{when we only had five fabulous kids}
like this one from 2007
{when we only had five fabulous kids}
the view looking in from my front porch
If you’d like to link your own list of favorites — grab the button and link below.
Blessings on your Friday. 🙂
I too am thankful for our Savior’s sacrifice!!! Amen! These are darling pictures of your favorite things!!
Your writing is beautiful and so is your family! Following you back from Hop Along Friday and enjoying your blog very much! God Bless,
how fun to see her get her ears pierced! Not sure when we will jump into that over here… they haven’t asked! 🙂
that ’07 easter picture is precious! my how they’ve grown in just four short years. i especially love grace’s smile… she wanted to get all her lil’ teethers in the picture. – so cute! : )
enjoy your gluten free lunch! have a sweet weekend rejoicing in the risen KING!
I love the picture of her getting her ears pierced. The tear down her cheek is priceless.
🙂 Your family is gorgeous!
Eternal freedom in Christ – what a unfathomable, yet very real, blessing!
Plus, ear piercing! I love it (and can still very vividly remember getting mine pierced for my tenth birthday!).
As always…a beautiful list to capture the big and small things. I pray you all have a glorious Easter weekend…absorbing Him in every moment.
Oh what wonderful things to be thankful for! Happy Friday to you!
I always enjoy your Friday favorites. I especially love the pictures this week, – beautiful!
Love the pictures! Wishing you a blessed Easter!
I saw Hannah’s post about the ear piercing… I love how you can see the bitty tear left on her cheek, but how her facial expression seems to show the excitement of it all. You are blessed, indeed, and I for one, am grateful you are willing to share it with us all.
Beautiful pictures, and I agree that I am thankful that the snow has melted and the grass is greener, next up Sunshine!
I love your list! And the pictures are really wonderful!
Have a blessed Easter! He is Risen!
Dianne @
Love this post! Happy Easter!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Now following back, can’t wait to see more.
~Jess @ makingoverthemartins.blogspot.com
Love this post and will have to link up one Friday soon. Easter blessings to you and your precious family. Hugs!
OMG – I just read your profile after seeing your kind comment on my blog!! You’ve sure got a lot on your plate – sounds like you need some more Aussie escapism! Drop by anytime for that – in the meantime have a wonderful Easter break!!
PS love those B&W shots of your family & friends, esepcially the earring shot & Easter 2007.
I love reading these posts! Have a beautiful Easter with your family.
Playing on the Wii is always fun. I haven’t done it in a while, though. And I love that old Easter photo–priceless! 🙂