You’re a joke. You messed up. Are you kidding? You are a terrible mom. Look at you now. Everyone will see you can’t keep…
Finding Joy Blog
There’s the crazy measure up motherhood labeling ideal out there I think. I know I struggle with it. I’ll look at my life and…
I’m absolutely completely one hundred and ten percent serious. Times infinity. Squared. (I’ve decided to do my own math today to emphasize the point.)…
A dear friend told me the other night to not worry about six months from now but rather to simply live now only thinking…
The other day a friend of mine posted an article from The NewYorker titled Why Facebook Makes Us Unhappy (by Maria Konnikova). As I read…
littlethingsmattermotherhoodonward brave motherwhy being a mom is enough
measured up motherhood defined
I can’t do it anymore. The words spilled out of my mouth and tumbled into the room as the tears rolled down my face.…