For Christmas we gave the family the complete Little House on the Prairie DVD set. Several nights a week I’ll grab some blankets and curl up on the couch in the family room with Hannah, Chloe and Gracie and we’ll pop that fabulous show on. It brings back some wonderful memories of childhood and it also has made me ponder some things about my own life.
1} I am thankful for insulation. Every time I see Mary and Laura upstairs in their loft at bedtime when it’s the middle of winter I am cold for them. All I see are bare walls and a timber roof and bare floors. Brrr….can you imagine? It makes me grateful for my warm climate controlled home.
2} Charles has a great laugh. I don’t care when or what, but whenever Michael Landon laughs I cannot help but smile or laugh. He’s got one of those super contagious belly laughs that just makes one feel good.
3} Chores are good. Oh my goodness. I watch how much those kids work on that show. They come home from school and run to do their chores. Crazy how society has changed. Now we’re all about extra-curricular stuff {which is okay} but kids haven’t been taught the benefit of good solid work.
4} Complaining isn’t allowed. Back to the chores. Just last night we were watching a show and Ma said to Mary and Laura, “Girls, start on your chores.” And there was no muttering, no arguing, no complaining. It was just a “yes, maam.” Makes me think about how often we complain about chores and work and they were so grateful for it.
5} I need to be more like Ma. Always encouraging, never complaining, always loving, always having faith, and joyful about her work. But, let me tell you, she does share a short word with that Mrs. Oleson every once in a while — and those always make me laugh just like when Pa laughs.
6} Laundry must have been simpler. I mean, they wear almost the same clothes everyday. Coupled with simple laundry it must have been so easy to get ready in the morning. Dress one or dress two? Sunday dress? Braid my hair, tie my shoes, and go eat breakfast.
7} Less in more. Those kids keep themselves busy all the time. With no media, no tv, no ds, no wii, no ipods, no none of it. Instead they’re out climbing trees, or playing, or fishing, or running around. And they’re happy. Truly happy.
8} The early seasons are the best. We started in the beginning, and oh my goodness, those first shows are just so sweet. And, I’m surprised how many of the episodes that I actually saw when I was a child. My favorite? The Lord is My Shepherd...where Laura feels guilt about her brother dying and runs off to the mountain and meets Jonathan, the Mountain Man. That one makes me cry. How many of you have seen the actual pilot? It’s wonderful.
9} TV has changed. And not for the better. When I watch this show the trust in the Lord and faith is so clearly demonstrated. When Pa and Ma’s son died they started reciting Psalm 23. In the good times and the bad times they constantly bring it back to the Lord. Last night? Mr. Oleson tells Charles, “God go with you.” That’s inspiring.
10} Best present of the year. Hands down, worth it. Besides wholesome entertainment it has formed a wonderful bond between the girls and myself — I get to share some of my favorite childhood memories with them. And I love that.
Do you have a favorite episode? We’re at the end of season three right now.
I’m humming Old Dan Tucker right now. That’s Mr. Edward’s theme. 😉
Blessings on your Monday. I’m linking with my friend Carissa. Love her. I wonder what her theme song would be? I’m also linking with Angie’s Top Ten Tuesday.:)

We were just watching Little House last night…I’ve watched them so much I can quote them before they say anything. The kids think this is funny!Yes, Little House has so much to offer to us.
It’s interesting how my kids can watch all this other stuff and not be affected but they watch Little House and you can see it touches their heart.
Have you ever gotten thru a show with out dropping or wanting to drop a tear? EVERY SINGE TIME!!!
I wonder, too! : )
It’s been at least a decade since I’ve watched. What a shame! The books, I loved and will always cherish. I sometimes wish I was born then. : )
Oh, we love the Little House series. We have them all as well. I think one of my favorites was “A Harvest of Friends”. This one always makes me cry. I really like the pilot movie, too.
I used to watch Little House all the time as a kid.
After staying at my husband’s grandparents this summer, they got us hooked on Waltons. I got the first couple seasons of that for Christmas and we’ve really been enjoying them. Times were both harder and easier, weren’t they?
So many memories this post brings back to me! I enjoyed your 10 things you love. My girls had the paper dolls and really enjoyed them, too.
i’m right here with you! i’ve seen every episode of little house, and mom and i own the first season. we watch every episode over and over and over because we love the memories we’ve made watching it and the many laughs we’ve had. i agree about charles’s laugh. it’s great! awesome post :))
-jocee <3
I absolutely agree with you on all points. We are reading the series now, and I must say, however, that I love the books even more than the show. [It is easier to be a good natured Ma if the kids are not complaining about the chores…:)]
I enjoy Little House. It teaches so many good principles.
Great post. We watched several seasons of LHOP, now we are watching the Waltons. I completely agree with you that TV has changed for the worse. I love when Caroline puts Mrs. Oleson in her place. My girls tease me because I have a small crush on Charles.
If you and your girls like the Little House series, you might enjoy a series called Road to Avonlea. It takes place in the same town that Anne of Green Gables grew up in, and has a few of the same characters in it. It is a very wholesome, feel good, and hilarious show!
Oh my goodness — My FAV Little House on the Praise and of course Michael Landon!!! Love it all.
We love Little House too, although the ending was a little weird. ;0)
I love the reality check it gives my kids, too. There are a lot of kids who have nothing expected of them…I’m all for promoting the traditional way as the ‘normal’ way of living.
Also…I’m so thankful for an electric stove and oven. Can you imagine cooking on a wood stove?
This box set has been on my wish list for soem time. It is the best show ever. And oh the books… can’t wait to read them with my daughter.
Yes, yes, yes, and YES! And I could think of ten more things I love about Little House.
How about the fact that they don’t need treadmills, because they walk everywhere, and physically work their booties off like the good Lord intended?! Really would love to not need a treadmill 🙂
Absolutely the best. Loved it as a kid, love it more as an adult. Love watching the rare episode I happen to catch on tv… but deeply desire to own the whole series as you do.
I read the books with my oldest children. Such precious stories/life lessons learned! I am thankful for the modern conveniences we have (cooking/bathrooms/laundry) but agree wholeheartedly that despite the added physical work they had – life was so much simpler and BETTER then.
I remember exactly where I was when I heard that Michael Landon had died. I cried.
WE love Little House, our dog, Nells is named after Nels Olsen! Pa is my FAVE I want him as a Dad, and a husband LOL
I like how you made this into a post, and the way you set it up, it was really really wonderful Rachel!!!
LOVE this!! 🙂
I LOVE LITTLE HOUSE! When I was in 3rd grade we had to do a report and dress like a historical figure and I was Laura Ingals Wilder. My grandma made me a beautiful dress that I still have to this day (saving for my little girls some day!) You are so right, TV is different and not for the better. I’m not sure if I have a favorite episode…I always liked when Laura was older and working as a teacher 🙂
LOVE me some Little House! 🙂 Watched it so much when I was a kid and seldom get to see it now. Needless to say, my two younger kids haven’t gotten to see much of the show. My two older kids used to watch it with me when it was just the three of us. I love good, wholesome family entertainment. There sure isn’t much of that nowadays. 🙁
I liked any episode with Nellie in it.
I loved it the best in the beginning as well. The opening when Carrie falls in the field gets me every time.
My favorite of the books is Little House in the Big Woods, followed by By the Shores of Silver Lake.
Praying right now!
1 Peter 1:18-19, 20 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (21) Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
Prayer Bears
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Still watch Little House from time to time, and the Waltons. My brother would so make fun if he knew!!:) They just don’t make shows like these anymore, Love it!
It’s been years since I watched little house on the prairie, how I love that show. Do you think that dd is old enough at 6 to watch it, I remember crying my eyes out at every episode.
Emma at
“Little House” literally shaped my childhood. Such wonderful memories of watching with my mom, while folding laundry. =)
I have always loved the pioneer days, because of this show. And the stories weave there way in and around my daily life–I often have the same thoughts you’ve expressed, Rachel.
When my girls are a little older I will buy the complete set and do what you are doing!!
This was always a favorite show for me. I used to pretend to be Laura. 🙂
I love the values that were taught in that show. I agree we need shows like that now.
I burst out laughing while reading what you said about laundry! LOL – “dress one or dress two” So true though.