As I pondered this week
the up and downs and good and bads
i looked for those little moments of joy
found in the everyday.

Elijah Nathaniel
look at those eyes
love that boy

of course he was looking at me like that because I was making him look at me
instead of him looking through the bushes
at those big red dump trucks
parked in front of his window
and taking shots of those dump trucks while sitting on your front steps
watching your little ones laugh in excitement
while you wave a thanks to the construction workers who drove extra close to your yard.
black eyed susans
I have them everywhere
of course they tend to grow almost anywhere
sigh, I just like to feel like the pro-gardener 🙂
sigh, I just like to feel like the pro-gardener 🙂
taken at dusk
and noticing (again) that there are no berries
but, that’s okay, because my little boys loved every. single. one.
thankful for my tomatoes that are ripening
and, shhhhhh, I might have just ate one of those outside
in one of those walks around the yard
of course, it was a red one
arriving at ballet 15 minutes early
and then using the 14 minutes that remains to take a quick cat nap
taking a moment to rest
and to have quiet
by the weeding the front walk
or the back step — don’t you love my red handle?
one of my favorites of all time
ice cream
in beautiful bowls with hot fudge and nuts
tell me, what’s your favorite ice cream?
And me, not caring about a messy room
but enjoying brothers playing together
Gracie’s precision and details in
the beauty of colored pencils
so artfully arranged
talking with the mri tech about your seven kids
and telling them, as their injecting dye into your shoulder, how blessed you are to be a mom
and then chuckling as you blame the bum shoulder on carrying the kids around
which, of course, you’d do in a heartbeat again
I love being a mom
I’m grateful to be mom.
And to carry each of them.
living joyful
If you’d like to add your own {friday} favorite — write a post {or share a picture or a list or share your favorite post}, grab the button, add your link, and make sure to comment on other bloggers {friday} favorite posts — because, remember, comments are a fave!
I agree – if you’re going to have an injury/pain it may as well be for a good reason. 🙂
Oh my word that ice cream sundae made my mouth water. Now I’m trying to convince the hubby to go and grab all the goodies from the supermarket for me!
Love it! Thanks for posting!
Black eyed susans are just so happy looking, love them 🙂
My favorite ice cream would have to be coffee ice cream with chocolate magic shell on it – yum!
As always, enjoyed your list! Have a great weekend Rachel.
You photos are gorgeous!! And now I might have ice cream for breakfast 🙂
I really enjoyed your list. It made me remember that little joys in my life this week.
I hope you don’t mind but I put the first little sentence into my favorite friday posts, and I credited you of course. 🙂
I hope you have enjoy your weekend.
Beautiful perspective. That’s what I call that. In the midst of pain you choose to see the beauty. In the midst of chaos, you choose to stop and adore.
Ah, refreshing post. Thank you for sharing the loveliness of life.
i always love your favorites 🙂 what precious memories you capture of your littles on your blog. and my favorite ice cream…peppermint from braums. you probably haven’t heard of braums, but it’s the greatest…better than blue bell in my opinion 🙂 happy friday sweet blog friend!
Love the black eyed susans! Thanks again for sharing your sweet thoughts.
My son loves dump trucks too. So nice of the drivers to come close.
I like Half bakes by ben and jerry–YUMMY. I really like the berry bush picture…so peaceful looking.
Great Post!
Lovely photos. The colored pencil arrangement looks like something my youngest would do. 🙂
I love the shoulder perspective and it being worth the seven kiddos. : ) You are a blessed momma, indeed. And of course, your babes are blessed beyond to have you for a mom. I’m sure they did enjoy those fresh raspberries. Whether you are a pro gardener or not, you make me want to have a garden growing in my yard.
I went to Traders today. Ahhh… Heavenly grocery shopping finally exists in my world. : )
Happy weekend to the Martins!!! xoxo!
I love finding little girls doing fun things in my backyard, too! 🙂 Hopefully that didn’t just sound too creepy – I am talking about my own daughter! Haha!
That picture of the ice cream is beautiful – in more ways than one! 🙂
And I love to hear you say you’d do it again in a heartbeat. It brought a tear to my eye. A mothers love is amazing and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your favorites again – this 21st week! Congratulations on making the 20 week mark. I love reading them every week. 🙂
Yes, black-eyed-susans are my favorite too (and it may or may not be because they absolutely do grow anywhere…even when they don’t get watered – ever). And the icecream…right now it’s homemade. Been making it a couple times a week lately (and not because the kids have been asking!) It’s oh so simple and oh so good. And the shoulder – and the kids…I understand completely – for me, it’s the back – and I’d do it all over again. Happy weekend! Going to link up now (“late but linked” – yep, that’s me!)