Fall is in the air.
Super breezy, leaves falling.
Leaves changing color.
Brings about many favorites.
my new button.
And new look.
And new look.
Fall inspired.

Like the
first pumpkin
sitting on my steps.
Little boys holding the first yellow leaves of fall
marveling at the crunchy noise that they make
and content to color with his sister, Grace.
loving the pooh bear coloring book
that Samuel got for his birthday
and that he has big sisters
who want to color with him.
and the trees
oh, the trees,
in minnesota are
beautiful in the fall
and hee hee hee
i might have painted my front door the
same rusty red color as those leaves
And fall is my favorite time to cook
I’m so grateful for the food to serve my family
Like this favorite
Lemon Roasted Chicken with Sage and Garlic
{I make a lemon butter sauce from the drippings}
Love love Love.
{and it’s wonderful with butternut squash}
This little guy loved it.
and yes, he’s doing better.
I am so thankful for his wonderful doctor.
gluten free
and for delicious
chocolate chip cookies
made for him by another big sister
who loves him like crazy.
and that would be my sweet
Chloe Laurella
{don’t you love her middle name? She’s named after my grandmother}
and for some blustery days outside
which lets me stay indoors
and play games with my children
that I loved when I was a child
and finally
I just had to share what I found
on Samuel’s little grill that he got for his birthday.
How could this not be a fave? It sure makes me smile. 🙂
oh yes, and those pumpkin bars mentioned from last week?
Hannah wrote an entire post
the gluten free harvest pumpkin bars.
If you’d like to add your own {friday} favorite — write a post {or share a picture or a list or share your favorite post}, grab the button, add your link, and make sure to comment on other bloggers {friday} favorite posts — because, remember, comments are a fave! And please do spread the word!
Gasp!!!! Love it!!!! It’s gorgeous! I need to hire Hannah again. : ) Kelly says I just changed mine but that was almost three mos ago. That’s like forever. ; )
Look at all those gorgeous kids lining your header. You are blessed, momma!
All this good looking food is making me drool!!! Yum! I like cooking in the fall best, too, because bathing suit season is the farthest away… So my diet is too. Lol.
I do love the name Laurella. It is just as beautiful as Chloe herself!
Hope you all have a wonderfully, cool and crisp aired weekend. Hugs!!!
I love this!! I really want to come to your house to enjoy some meals and Hungry Hippos! 🙂
Hungry Hippos!!! Ahhh I haven’t seen this game in ages!!
your new fall look is so wonderful! and love the fall favorites 🙂 my post this week is about homeschooling moments.
love all these beautiful pictures. your front door is amazing. I wish we had a red door….;)
I linked up this week!
LOVE the new design!
Beautiful fall favorites and photos. We too loved The Hungry Hippo game, back in the days. Your food pix make me hungry! Linking up for the first time. Blessings!
Fall is such a wonderful warm and “homey” time of year. These are all great favorites that many of us share.
That chicken look divine, you must share the recipe!
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend 🙂
Love your new design! Your children are beautiful, and your whole post has such a gentle, peaceful tone. Thanks for sharing your many blessings with us!
I love cooking in the fall too! It is cool enough not to heat up the house and I love the smell of cinnamon and spices.
Linking Jo with you for the first time!
oh.fall! i love it! i’ve been a little absent lately 🙂 it’s good to be back this friday. hope you’re doing well, so glad little samuel is feeling better!
oh, and i LOVE the new button! so so fun! 🙂
ooooohhh this is nice. love your words and photographs. I’ll have to participate sometime…very nice idea to share favorites on Friday… 🙂
I love the fall time in the east! I miss the colourful array of trees. Here in BC it is very pretty but nothing compared to the colour of the changing Maple tree. My favourite thing to do was ride my horse through the forest during the fall. The colourful leaves falling and laying on the ground with the smell of winter in the air was one of the most memorable, enjoyable things from my youth. Thanks for stirring up awesome memories and smells. 🙂
I love your new fall look on your blog!
Fall is my favorite time of year – I especially love to cook in the fall, and spend time outside with my kiddos. Here in New Mexico, fall means Balloon Fiesta and green chile harvest! So for two weeks we can look to the east and see hundreds of hot air balloons on the skyline. Sometimes they even fly right over our house. And we always get a big burlap sack of fresh roasted green chile to freeze and use throughout the year. LOVE IT!
Love your door, too!
I love to see fall through your blog. We are still in the 90’s here in CA, and it’s lovely. But I’m ready for autumn! And all of your posts are evidence of how great of a mom you are. Blessings!
It took me most of the day, but the things I am thankful for have just overwhelmed me today and I had to share!
I’m incredibly jealous of the pumpkin on your doorstep. Growing up in Pennsylvania we would carve them and they would last on the doorstep for weeks because they would freeze. Now that I live in Florida we can’t really carve pumpkins, they rot in a couple of days. I will probably wait and buy my pumpkins a few weeks before Halloween and they will sadly sit on my fireplace and not my doorstep.
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. Even more than Christmas! (*gasps from the audience*)
But with all my big moments happening in October . . . how could I not love fall.
Love all your photos!!
LOVE your pictures!!!! Each photo gently captures fall… I’m a tad jealous! Living in Texas fall comes mid to late November 😉
And those cookies look so yummy!!! Thank you for the link up XOXO
hi! i just found your blog through chelsea fox’s blog. i love it and am the newest follower. also, i linked up my most recent post on my other blog, cake & cotton. love the button…love all your photos, beautiful kids, hungry hippos..i could go on 🙂
That is a great list. I haven’t put my harvest decorations out yet. Once i put them out they usually stay up until Christmas. So I try not to have them up for too many months. Though I am itching to put some of them up. Love the pumpkin on your step. 🙂
Love the pictures! I only just found your blog but I think the design is gorgeous. I linked up, it sounded fun. 🙂
i love the new design and button! and i love the color of your house and front door. the lemon roasted chicken sounds delicious! share the recipe? Laurella is a beautiful name. and i’ve actually had alligator before & it tastes good, so i think Sam’s got a good idea there! haha.
Love the new look–it inspired me to make one of my own with our new fall pics I got today! Your daughter is so talented : )
Have a great weekend…xoxo
I just wanted to say that I love your blog, and I can’t wait to participate in this next week! 🙂
Love the new look. Your button is adorable. I attempted a new look, but I’m not quite as talented. Also love the pumpkin bar pic. I’m totally in the mood for something pumpkin. Thanks for hosting. I’ll try to remember for next week. I don’t normally blog on Fridays, but will make a point. Have a nice rest of your weekend.
Would you consider sharing some of your gluten free recipes? Cookies, etc? I’d love to know how to make them!