dear nutella,
we love you.
we hide you in the house
otherwise the boys will have one too many spoonfulls of you throughout the day.
and so will I.
dear little boy named Samuel who loves nutella,
you are so incredibly cute.
even with your nutella mustache.
dear chives,
spring is coming
spring is coming
seeing you in the corner of the garden tells me
that spring is coming.
dear tweetdeck,
you make my social media life easier
it always a favorite to hear
it always a favorite to hear
the little “ping” you make when a tweet comes in
dear sunlight making shadows on the old plaid couch,
you have no idea how much better you make a day.
we lived through a winter, a long snowless winter,
with many many many gray days.
with many many many gray days.
sunlight you are a blessing.
dear grace and your best friend belle,
seeing you play together is wonderful
I am so totally grateful for the friendship
that you two share.
dear suet bird feeder,
while I don’t really like touching you when I put you up
I do love all the birds that you bring into my yard.
And I love that I love birds — my dear grandmother
the one who wrote to me – may you live finding joy – in 1989
loved watching birds as well.
dear boys jumping on the deck that needs to be restained,
I am so glad it’s warm outside
so that you can jump on the deck
versus bouncing off the walls in the family room.
dear caleb,
I love love love love you.
You bring me joy
so much joy in my life.
I am so thankful to be your mom.
and those? those are my favorite things.

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I love Samuel’s sweet, blue-eyed, Nutella-smeared face! 🙂 Great pics (and I really need to try Nutella at some point…or maybe it would be better if I wouldn’t…)
i only use twitter for tweeting. ruh roh. have i gone all wrong?! remember, i’m a newbie! : )
wait, have you made nutella hot chocolate before?? i know it’s kind of spring now, but hot chocolate is year round. take 1 cup milk and 1 tbsp of nutella. put in pot over stove and wait until nutella is melted and milk is warmed. yum!
chives… mmmm… i’ve forgotten how good they are!
aww, little samuel! nutella really has never looked so CUTE!
So beautiful! I love to read these.
i need someone in my house to hide the nutella from me! 🙂
I’m thinking Nutella would likely pay you big bucks for that picture to use in their advertising. How cute is that!
Tweeting is about the only social media that I don’t participate in yet. Just don’t know if I can figure out one more thing. :o)
Your favorites always bring a smile to my heart and face. Happy weekend!
Oh those eyes! And those precious little hands! Aren’t those friendships of youth so very special? Thanks for sharing.
Mmmm. Nutella. A favorite and regular lunch here is a rice cake with nutella and apple slices on the side.
I love Nutella & chives! (Not together, though!)
God bless,
beautiful list. you make me want to plant some chives!
oh my kiddos love Nutella – I despise that stuff – makes no sense right?
nutella forever <3
I just discovered Nutella…I shall never love another. Oh. My. Heavens. I found a recipe for a “Breakfast Banana Split” – split a banana, place a dollop of Greek yogurt on top, sprinkle with sliced strawberries and almonds, and drizzle with Nutella. This is so on my menu plan.
nutella, tweetdeck and bird feeders! lol my life! 🙂