This Friday these are my favorite moments.
Moments of simplicity.
And joy.
And victory.
Join me?

Samuel had a repeat check-up with his Pediatric Immunologist/Infectious Disease Doctor
everything is clear
everything is good.
He’s gaining weight.
He’s thriving.
Even though he was diagnosed with a very severe form of Celiac Disease
{meaning even the smallest amount of gluten affects him}
it is still manageable by adhering to his gluten-free diet.
more than that
there is victory.
As we left, Samuel’s Doctor told me
thank you
because of Samuel he will now test children and infants coming in with
periodic fevers for Celiac Disease.
He believes Samuel was so sick due to undiagnosed Celiac.
When we left he congratulated me on discovering what was wrong with Samuel.
And thanked Samuel for helping him help other kids.
To God be the glory!
What is hard and painful and challenging will be used for good.
{I’ve linked up with Brag on God Friday}
It got me thinking about how grateful I am for the every day
{and how, back in January when Samuel was so sick I missed these simple everyday moments}
like time to sit in my garden
and to be grateful for the flowers grown in my yard now on my table
and times around the table as a family for dinner
and laundry to fold
{really, it’s a blessing}
and seeing Hannah dance ballet in a parking lot with a great friend
and time just to be a family.
I am thankful for
gluten free cookies made with big sisters
Spending time in the Word
Blogging friends
connecting via twitter
resting in knowing that
God knows all things
and that I sit, my family sits, in the palm of His hand.
Would you join me?
What was one thing that you are grateful this week?
I’d love to hear.
And if you’d like to link up — write a post, a list, share your favorite photo or quote. Grab the button, enter your link and try to comment on those around you finding joy.
Blessings to you ~rachel
Thanks for stopping by from the Crew. I just read about your roller coaster ride with Samuel since he swallowed that star. I am so glad he was able to get through that and also that he is getting better by eating gluten free.
there’s Victory in Jesus! i can hear the song now!!! Samuel looks so good. so healthy. so healed.
you’ve inspired me… one day i want a garden.
i’m convinced that your gluten-free eating is delicious. you are always trying new things and they look wonderful. i know Samuel feels the love.
and my oh my, hannah is such an amazing ballerina. i can tell just by the pictures. how much talent can one have?! a lot. : )
happy almost weekend.
Blessings indeed, so many bestowed on every one of us by God!
And Samuel, what a doll. And that he is thriving…the gift of all gifts!
I love your Friday series…
What a beautiful post!! So happy to hear your good news!!
Praise God for the wonderful healing he is performing in Samuel. My heart is so happy to hear it!
Have a wonderful weekend!
clicked over from michelle’s graceful blog. love your photos and your story.
I remember praying for this little guy in the beginning and off and on through this year…so glad God has provided an answer and His healing.
Great pictures….great joy! Enjoy the summer and all it contains.
i love your post friend. i read it after i had written mine. we’re on the same page. i love sharing with other bloggers the things in our life we are grateful for. it’s encouraging and it makes me fall in the love with the Father even more for allowing all of us to connect through something as simple as a blog post. enjoy your weekend with your precious family 🙂
God is SO good…so grateful to be under His grace. So grateful that He spoke to you about sweet Samuel and that other children will benefit from that…and that He will receive the glory. How amazing to be part of that Rachel!!!
yeah for your little man’s continual good health!!! God is so good!! And it blessed me to hear that the doctor will now take other patients with frequent fevers and test them. Your little man may save lives by impacting his doctor. God is good indeed. So beautiful to see your daughter doing ballet! My family loves ballet!
That is beautiful! I’m so glad everything is better now! I love that you believe laundry is a blessing, I believe that too. It doesn’t help me want to do it, but I am thankful! Your family is beautiful! Thanks for checking out my page, I’m following your wonderful site!
So good to be doing a little blog browsing while sitting at the hospital with my Dad. Loved your entry today, blessed my heart.
We are hopeful that the Drs. have found what is wrong with my Dad. He is having a test done at this moment to confirm what they feel is his problem and if so, he can make a full recovery. As soon as I hear something definite, I will do a blog entry update about it.
Have a wonderful weekend with your precious family.
Beautiful, Rachel! To God alone be all the glory-He has done great things!
The pizza and cookie dough looks yummy!!! (At my house, I have to hurry and bake them before I eat all the cookie dough-and yes, I really could!)
Again, what a beautiful family the Lord has granted you!!
Oh what a wonderful post! Praise the Lord!!
I love when you can post happy things, your family has been through so much. It is a wonderful reminder that HE is still faithful!
Enjoy your weekend!
Love this!
God truly is an amazing healer and uses all things to his glory. Such a neat testimony you and Samuel now have :]
Gardens are so wonderful. They’re even better as centerpieces. Nothing brings color to a home than fresh flowers grown and loved by your own hands.
Happy Friday!
I just love your photos – your family is beautiful! 🙂
Would you share your pizza recipe? My daughter is gluten free and by default so are we! I have yet to find a really great pizza recipe and I miss making it.
Thank you!
Praise JESUS! glad y’all figured it out. Sweet little guy.
so good to know your Samuel is healthy now, and that although he has celiac disease, there’s a way to manage it.
love the pictures of him scooping the cookie dough! you have such a sweet lil man.
Good to meet you this week on twitter. Praise God for the good report. My cousin was just diagnosed with celiac disease a few months ago. Blessings to you.
What a beautiful post!! Adding you to my favorites now, love your blog!
So glad he’s doing better.
Beautiful ballerinas too!
The doctor never figured out that my kids were gluten intolerant. I did. God gave mommies special hearts and instincts just for things like that. I’m glad Samuel is doing well!
Praising God for little Samuel! So happy to hear that! God works all things together for good.
So glad to hear your son is doing better. You are an amazing mama, what adjustments you’ve made for your little guy. Your ballerina daughter is beautiful too! I grew up in a family of 7 kids, and loved being in a big family.
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog post about my old trunk.
fyi, the first game in my game playin post is called spill and spell.
xo happy saturday!
Rejoicing in God’s goodness over you, over Samuel, over your family. Beautiful words today.
What a beautiful post and a beautiful family you have, you are blessed! Stopping by from the Crew and following along. Your Samuel is a fighter, so glad everything is going great now. I have 5 girls, 3 who are competitive gymansts, 1 a competitive cheerleader. My baby had a rough start, but God is good and she is now growing and thriving too! Can’t wait to read more!
Hooray!! Praise the Lord:) I have not followed your progress, as I am new to your blog~but I can see from the posts and others comments that this has been a difficult time with your little one. I am so happy for you that it is figured out!! I am currently gluten free, although not technically celiac–just intolerant. I feel so much better every day since eliminating gluten from my diet. I think God brought you by my blog so I can learn from you! Blessing on you and your beautiful family~I’ll see you around on the crew!!
Found your Friday series over at Graceful. Love this! And love your pictures of Samuel…what a beautiful child and how blessed you are!
Oh, what a beautiful spirit you have! So full of thanksgiving when others would be grumbling. Your dear son will flourish under such praise. And now others will be kept from undiagnoised disease.
I’ll be praying for your challenges ahead.