We now interrupt my regular blogging to bring you a different look at me.
A silly one, perhaps?
It was one of those pics that Hannah snapped while I was putting lights up outside.
(Interested in those lights? Read this post about why I put lights up — memory strands)
So she asked me to strike a funny pose. And this was the best I could do.
Oh well, it proves that I’m normal. Right?
Or at least a mom.
(I can never figure out what compels me to put these pics up)
So here you go. Enjoy.
and yes, my garage is rather full of stuff.
Organized stuff.
Link up to Hannah’s Lovely Photo Wednesday and share a pic of you. Let me know you did — and I’ll be off to check it out.
You have such pretty blue eyes! You also have a knack with those lights. The picture tells it all! lol
I LOVE this so much!
Darling pic!
I linked! A great photo of you. My brown-eyed self wishes she had eyes that blue.
I love this picture! That is the exact look I would give if we had to string lights along the outside of our house! Oh the blessing of Downtown apartment living! I do, however, make that face when stringing them around windows or the tree!
Do I spy a car in that garage? You are doing awesome!
If that is you looking goofy then I’d hate to see you looking great. Because, I think you look pretty darn great for looking goofy! Also, is that a cougar on your jacket? Shudder! ; )
Love it!! Am going to try to link up a bit later.
Too funny….I just turned this on taking a break from putting lights on the tree…oh course we are in the 60’s and no snow
Fun!!! Enjoy!!!
What beautiful blue eyes you have! Would love to see all of your lights up!
Super picture and aren’t garages made for “stuff?” :o) Happiness to you!
Awh Rachel!
This is adorable! I really like your hair :] Way to go with those lights!
presh! you are just gorgeous and your hair is superb!
you didn’t watermark it. i guess that means i can steal the cuteness. ; )
this is a goofy pose? i think it’s a cute pic!
OMGosh, you’re darling! Gorgeous hair and your face looks so fresh!
Love the picture. You are beautiful and I love the hair color!
Proof that you actually did it!
Always here praying!
Psalms 121:6-8 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Prayer Bears
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This is not goofy! You are absolutely lovely! 🙂 And I love that you hang all those lights for your kiddies. 🙂
I thought that your garage looked wonderfully clean!! Honestly!!! Our’s gets to be the pits…the junk pits from time to time!
Cute photo! Have a blessed day!!
haha cute photo!(: