Dear anxiety,
Sometimes you are loud, like a roar, a tornado and I find myself twisted in thoughts and worries.
Sometimes you are silent, stealthy, and I slowly become aware that my heart is racing and my mind worrying.
Sometimes you make me question my strength or the love of others.
Sometimes you create doubts and worries.
But anxiety, you don’t win.
I’m just putting that out there.
Even though I know your tactics and the fallacy of “run through that scenario in your mind again and again” and how you try to rob peace. You see, despite the worries and the doubts I’ve learned I’m strong.
Stronger than you think you I am.
Yes, I stumble at times.
Yes, I feel alone at times.
Yes, I have sleepless nights at times.
Yes, I worry at times.
Yes, I have moments of fear.
But, I also have good.
I also have joy.
I also have hope.
I also have love.
I also have optimism.
I also have clarity.
I also have sleep.
I also have progress.
I am brave.
And brave is no longer allowing you, anxiety, to define worth, capabilities, and potential.
It is brave that I set down the past, despite the cry for you to hyper-analyze it, and love the present and work hard for the future.
You see, I’ve found the antidote.
You are strong, but I am stronger.
*words by Rachel Marie Martin of Finding Joy

Just found this, thanks to a friend named Bill Ratti. I like it! Thsnk you
Thank you for putting things in perspective. I found this article invaluable.
Thank you. Thank you for speaking out about anxiety. It is something many struggle with. Myself included. Just thank you.
I plan to speak out about my anxiety journey as well. It’s the first step that is the hardest but it will happen.
What you have to say is so very important.
Sorry. I didn’t put my website with my comment.
Thank you. Thank you for speaking out about anxiety: a topic that not everyone wants to talk about. Not everyone is comfortable talking about what they struggle with. It is refreshing hearing someone talking about their anxiety journey. It’s helpful to people to feel like they aren’t alone. Thank you for what you do.
Thanks so much for all you share. It helps me understand and deal with anxiety and stress and just life sometimes ❤️😊