This is one of those really sweet reviews. I’ve peeked at Creek Edge Press for quite a bit and I love their educational philosophy — independent, task orientated, and research/literature based. When I found out that our family was given an opportunity to review some Task Cards from Creek Edge Press I was thrilled!

I chose to review the American History cards. This year our entire family is studying American History. We’ve been using Geography Matter’s Trail Guide to History-Paths of Settlement Curriculum and my highschooler, Hannah, has been using the Notgrass American History program. I used these Creek Edge Press cards as a supplement for our current history studies. I also utilized them on those days when I’d hear the inevitable I’m bored from someone. The task cards served as a springboard for me to come up with additional ideas to fill our days.
The task card below is the card that corresponds with where we’ve been in history. We’ve done the first task, the research via our current daily studies. Gracie has also been working on writing parts of the Declaration of Independence. Then, what I love, is this task card gives me additional ideas on who to research, or what books to get Brennan to read, and suggest arts/crafts that coincide with our current studies. We already have a time line, but what I love is that these cards either reinforce our current time line or they bring to light additional notes/people/events that we could add to our timeline. Side note: I think what I am going to do is laminate {or bring them to get laminated} all the task cards. That way we can reuse them in the years to come.
The beauty of these cards is that you can use them how you need to — as a supplement or a complete basis for your curriculum. There are many different options of cards including a complete history set. The American History set that we reviewed retails for only $20. The sets are a beautiful integration of Charlotte Mason and the Classical education approach to homeschooling. In fact, the creator, Amy Kate, has also integrated Montessori methods into the entire task card system. Honestly, I’m such a blend homeschooler, and this is where I seem to find myself most often, so the task cards mesh perfectly in our routine.
I’m looking at purchasing some other sets, specifically the Geography and Culture, Art and the Music and ComposersCards. I’ve also noticed that right now they are having a mid-winter {I am so glad winter is almost done} sale for free shipping for any purchase over $36. I’ll be keeping these cards in my curriculum for the many, many, many years of homeschooling that I still have in front of me. 🙂
Details: To visit Creek Edge Press click HERE. To read other reviews click HERE. To read other curriculum reviews that I’ve competed click resources on the top of the page.
Disclaimer: I received a set of American History Task cards from Creek Edge Press for review as a team member of the tos crew. No further compensation was given. All opinions and photographs are mine alone. The logo is used by permission by CreekEdgePress.
Such a joy to stumble over here tonight. I hope you don’t mind if I splash around a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to dip in all sorts of goodness.
Thanks, Sarah. Blessed that you came over!