What a week.
Stressful and joyful
at the same time.
So glad that it is Friday.

Love my Caleb
the birthday boy
He had a wonderful birthday
with a kitchen decorated for him by big sister Chloe
because I was upstairs rocking Samuel to sleep.
She did an amazing job
down to the little army guys jumping out of the hats.
I made some
gluten free chocolate cupcakes
for Caleb
I think that I watch too much
Cupcake Wars on TLC
It just happens to be one of my
folding the laundry
favorite shows.
I love that on my table there are new Lego figures
in an amazing adventure story
left there by my birthday boy.
Along with the fact that my great neighbor kids
played Duck Duck Grey Duck with him.
{is that what you call it as well? Or do you say Goose?}
Love the lone soccer ball
sitting in the starting to frost yard.
and that Gracie of mine
standing under a tree with leaves
that are just waiting to change colors.
Another favorite?
that same sweet Gracie
got to go to attend cake decorating class today
where she learned many things
and decorated her {gluten}cake for Caleb.
And, shhhhh, I’m admitting I bought 2 8inch rounds from our
grocery store this morning
because I was too tired to bake
Grateful for medicines
to help Samuel get over pneumonia
{which he’s still battling….sigh…}
And for moments when he feels good enough
and wanders around
in his sweet Minnesota Twins shirt
Overall, between the good and the hard
I’m grateful and thankful
for the time to be a mother
and love on those sweet kids.
And will be so grateful when he’s better.
If you’d like to add your own {friday} favorite — write a post {or share a picture or a list or share your favorite post}, grab the button, add your link, and make sure to comment on other bloggers {friday} favorite posts — because, remember, comments are a fave!
I sure hope that bitty one is feeling better soon. Happy Birthday Caleb! How do you get those cupcakes to look so perfect?
love the birthday boy decor!!! so cool and so boy! the cupcakes look pretty fantastic. i totally watch cupcake wars while folding too. and then i always crave sweets and it’s like torture. : )
gracie! so gorgeous! that picture is captivating! it’s so cool that she was able to go to a class for cake decorating. it looks great. and i don’t blame you one bit for being too tired. i mean, you do have your hands FULL!
so happy your samuel is getting the good care he needs. continuing to pray for him.
i hope your weekend is full of rest and getting well.
love ya all!
The cupcakes look beautiful! And I’m glad to know that others have “laundry folding tv shows” too. 🙂
I just recently found your blog, and I’m so glad that I did:) You are truly are finding the joy in each day! Thank you for sharing your experiences and inspiring your readers to find joy in all things!
Wow, your cupcakes looks professional! Good job! Hope you are all better soon…have a blessed weekend Rachel 🙂
We are loving the temperature change too. The party looks like it was tons of fun!
Beautiful Face SHOTs upclose!! Love pictures like that!!!
Get Better SOON!!
and Good job on decoration!
i love how your kiddos love on each other so much. it’s so precious to read about them. and cupcake wars…i love that one too 🙂 don’t get to watch it often, but it’s so fun when i do. and i hope samuel is starting to feel a little better. xoxo!
Happy Birthday to your little guy. Those cupcakes look delicious!
the cupcakes look amazing! Happy birthday to your little guy and I am praying that Samuel gets better quickly….I love the picture of him with the beanie and the flannel shirt!! It’s SOOOOO cute….have a great weekend : )