I want you to find it again. That’s the first thing I need you to read. I need you to have a spark of…
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin is the author behind Finding Joy and the books, "Get Your Spark Back," "Mom Enough," and "The Brave Art of Motherhood." She is fiercely passionate about living an authentic, joy-filled and driven life and because of that writes powerful truth for others hoping to be the catalyst for change.
You know how hindsight is so clear? Well, that goes for motherhood as well. Please do not try to enjoy every single moment. I…
Always a mother. In early June I watched my oldest daughter graduate from college. As I stared down in the auditorium, I felt my…
The last eighteen months of my life have been this mixture of awesome and fear and joy and sadness and a whole bunch of…
I’ve been a mom a long time. I’d like to think my mom skin is thick and that most of the debatable things of…
So many people have come up to me and told me I’m a good mom. I smile, but inwardly I chuckle and then I…