Okay. Listen. There are some of you right now who are so tired of cliche, pull-up-your boot straps, just smile and be positive kind…
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin is the author behind Finding Joy and the books, "Get Your Spark Back," "Mom Enough," and "The Brave Art of Motherhood." She is fiercely passionate about living an authentic, joy-filled and driven life and because of that writes powerful truth for others hoping to be the catalyst for change.
I’ve been a single mom for almost six years now. Part of me can’t believe it’s been that long and other parts of me…
The other day I was driving my daughter to work. We were late, it was pouring rain, and someone pulled out in front of…
I’m not good at last times. I’m much much better at the firsts even though I know the firsts will lead to lasts. Today,…
There are many days where I wake up and I think I’ve failed. Let’s just start with that, okay? I just do. Even though…
It is okay. I know you might not even know why you are anxious. I know you might worry that you are dropping the…