Sweet soul, be brave.
I know that it is easy to forget your heart.
Your heart, that sweet pulse of joy and creativity that makes you, well you.
I know it can fade.
I know it can be hard to find it.
I know that it isn’t even what you planned.
It’s easy to get busy.
It’s easy to lose the flicker of passion.
It’s easy to forget what it’s like to laugh.
It’s easy to worry about tomorrow and forget today.
It’s easy to wake up and just move so fast and lose that joy.
It’s not that it’s planned.
It’s not like it’s the goal.
Life just happens.
And life has within it unexpected.
Loss and challenges and normal.
But, sweet sweet soul, you are worth letting your heart matter again.
You are worth fighting for your heart.
You are worth looking in the mirror and simply being proud.
You are worth standing up for what you believe in.
You are worth being proud of your story.
You are worth it.
You can do this.
You can find that passion, that soul.
It’s brave to fight for your heart.
It’s brave to admit you’re lost, too.
It’s brave to give and to try.
It’s brave to be you.
It’s brave.
And friend, you are brave.
You know what? You are more than brave.
You are enough.

Dear Rachel
I are Jennifer Love. I shared this post and Facebook declared it as spam. Just FYI.
I have miraculously just stumbled upon this post and I am so excited! There may be some hope for little me!😀 I need help, so I will be exploring your site.
This might have just saved my life
Thank you for this – truly.